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He (40m) insulted my (41f) looks pretty harshly (again) during an argument and this time I just am having trouble coming back from it.

We have been together for 8 years. To paint the picture, we are both overweight (I'm 5'7" and 180lbs....when I met him I was 172lbs). He's about the same amount overweight as me.

I feel uncomfortable with my weight gain over this past year and am trying different things to lose it. I'm finding it more difficult due to peri-menopause and some depression. But I don't chat with him about it...I am kind of sensitive about it and I don't talk about it (even when he talks about how he needs to lose weight). He often will remark that I'm not being "healthy". Or that if I eat a healthy meal I must be binging later (he doesn't directly call me fat, but obviously that's the idea).

I had disordered eating when I was younger and I just feel a lot of shame in general about my weight, etc. Once during an argument he told me I should probably try losing 50 lbs and being a nicer person. Later I told him that was mean and simply meant to hurt my self-esteem.

A year later he called me "fat" during a heated argument. I told him to look in the mirror.

Anyway, last week we had another heated row (it obviously had nothing to do with looks). But he was very angry at me (via text) and I remained fairly calm (which made him angrier). Side note: 3 years ago he was texting inappropriately (bordering on an emotional affair) with an admin assistant at work. This has nothing to do with anything (unless you're the injured party like I was), but she's fairly boring looking by conventional standards. Not sure why but that seemed to be even more insulting to me at the time.

So he said he was going to go text someone (said in a way to make me feel insecure). So I said "oh, the unattractive _____ you used to text?" The conversation that followed:

him: How can YOU call anyone unattractive? You have a fat body with saggy boobs. If I were you I wouldn't call anyone unattractive.

Me: Not this again. How can you call me fat?

Him: you're definitely a lot bigger than me.

Me: So you say. I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion.

Him: And you refuse to acknowledge it. At this rate I'm worried about your heart giving out.

This is all so immature on both our parts. And later he said he was "just trying to make me mad". But I've heard this a few times now and I'm fully convinced he means it deep down.

So now I'm not even really feeling like getting past this. I think he truly does think I'm massive (and unattractive) and I just don't see how I can feel comfortable again.

Is this something couple's counselling could fix?

tldr: partner insulted my looks (again) when mad and now I don't know if I can get past it.

Submitted April 20, 2021 at 07:16AM by Commercial_Cake_7047
He (40m) insulted my (41f) looks pretty harshly (again) during an argument and this time I just am having trouble coming back from it. He (40m) insulted my (41f) looks pretty harshly (again) during an argument and this time I just am having trouble coming back from it. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 20, 2021 Rating: 5

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