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Update: [29M] My Girlfriend [26F] is not doing much with her life. I'm not sure whether to keeping going.

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**TL;DR**: GF lives with her family and is still very dependent on them. She dreams of starting a business but is spending most of her time not doing much. We fight every time I try to encourage her. I'm not sure whether she's someone I should actually settle down with.

**Update**: We finally split a few days ago after I sat her down for a serious talk. I ended up deciding to follow an opportunity in another country halfway across the world, so it gives me a pretense to give her the talk. One of the most difficult things I've done, we talked it out for hours one last time. I expected her to rage at me, but we were both calm and cordial with each other through the whole thing. I just sat there and cried after she wished me well on my journey.

For the last few weeks, she was starting to show sign of recovery. She is in charge of a project to expand her family business. I still don't know how it will turn out, but this is the most effort I've seen her put into something. I'm incredibly proud of her for that, but I've already get the ball rolling with my plan to go abroad. That makes it hurt even more that maybe I just didn't give her enough time. She wanted my help, but is now hesitant after the break-up. Still, what done is done. I'm flying off right after Christmas.

For the time being, we'll both focus on our path, but I just hope one day we can go back to being friend again.

Finally, I just wanna to thanks everyone for your advice. I don't think I can take this step otherwise. Thank you!

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 04:03PM by MRthrowaway1144344
Update: [29M] My Girlfriend [26F] is not doing much with her life. I'm not sure whether to keeping going. Update: [29M] My Girlfriend [26F] is not doing much with her life. I'm not sure whether to keeping going. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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