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Stood up

My bf stood me up

Yesterday was supposed to be the best day of our relationship. My long distance boyfriend (27) had a ticket to come and visit me (23) for the holidays. We had been talking about this trip nonstop and I really thought that we were on the same page. He called me on the way to the airport and was updating me with all of the flight delays and details. I had the alerts coming to my phone too, so I knew he wasn’t lying about delays and stuff. When he landed at the airport for his layover, his responses became short and spread out. He said he wasn’t feeling well and was nervous and asked to call. He never called and stopped responding to my texts. I thought that maybe his phone died because I called and it went to voicemail. At that point, I started panicking but still drove to the airport to pick him up. I waited for over an hour. I watched hundreds of people walk by. I searched for him. I went to baggage claim. I went to the airline desk to see if he had maybe missed the flight. They informed me that he had never even gotten on the first flight.

My heart is broken. I haven’t heard from him at all. I am very confused because I don’t know why anyone would put so much time and effort into someone and then do something like this. I really believed in him and I look like an idiot to my family and friends now. I spent so much money on him for Christmas. Now, I feel so fucking numb.

I guess we are broken up, but I don’t want to be. I feel like I deserve an explanation but I don’t think he will give me one. There’s really no excuse, but I still want to know why I’m not good enough. He had just told me how happy I make him and how excited he was to be here. Was everything a lie?

Do I keep trying to contact him or do I move on? I love him with everything in me and have loved him for so long. Fuck the holidays.

TL;DR bf stood me up at the airport and hasn’t contacted me since. Do I keep trying?

Submitted December 21, 2019 at 04:23PM by piperrmintt
Stood up Stood up Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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