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My (30F) boyfriend (31M) keeps quitting his jobs without anything else lined up and I'm getting so stressed

Let me start by saying I love the HELL out of this guy and he's perfect for me in every way but this. Been together two years. This is literally the only issue that's ever come up between us, and I want to find a way to work it out rather than toss the best relationship of my life into the can.

Also, we live together and divide our rent and food costs between our two incomes (at least in theory).

BF (31M) works in food service. He's amazing at what he does and extremely experienced, and tends to get offered a job on the spot whenever he interviews. The problem is, he's also extremely picky about his workplace and the people there, and quickly spirals into depression and anxiety while working somewhere he finds problematic (which seems to be most places). That leads him to continuously get new jobs, quit them anywhere between a few days and a few months later, and then mildly freak out until he gets another job. Sometimes, he waits to quit until he sees a job listing he think he would like (and assumes he'll get), but sometimes he just quits without anything else on the horizon at all (and then we both freak out).

So far we've survived financially, but that's only because I've picked up extra hours in my own job and he got a credit line increase. Our expenses aren't sustainable with his gaps in income unless I start making a lot more money.

He just quit his most recent job after less than a month because he saw a job listing at a place that seemed better. It turned out to be too far of a commute and therefore he didn't take it when they offered it to him, so now we're left super tight on money with nothing coming in for him and no other job offers at the moment. He's stressed AF and having bad mental health crashes and I'm trying to be supportive, but it's hard when this was literally his own doing (and has been every single time). He beats himself up over not being able to just be happy at a job and truck through it like other people do, and realizes it's a problem, but doesn't know how to fix it.

To complicate things, he also has some health issues (doctor verified) that make it physically important to not get super stressed out, which is why I've tried to be sympathetic when the jobs he takes become unbearable and quitting is the only relief. It affects his health very quickly and then we have medical stuff to deal with.

I feel a little resentful because I don't like my job either but I know it would screw us over real bad if I quit without something else on the horizon. But I also don't have the health issues he does.

My question is: how do I support his physical and mental health while also having a firmer boundary about our income needs? I feel like I've communicated this in every way possible, but I can't force him to stay at a job he hates and when I express how stressed out I am, he just starts feeling like a burden and beats himself up even more for making my life harder.

**TL;DR**: My (30F) boyfriend (31M) is very experienced in the food service industry and gets jobs easily, but keeps quitting them without anything else lined up, leaving us in a financial tight spot. This is due to a combination of mental and physical health that makes it important to have lower-stress jobs. How do I be a supportive partner while also surviving financially with him?

Submitted December 05, 2019 at 09:38AM by uuuuuuuuuuughthrow
My (30F) boyfriend (31M) keeps quitting his jobs without anything else lined up and I'm getting so stressed My (30F) boyfriend (31M) keeps quitting his jobs without anything else lined up and I'm getting so stressed Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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