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Guy in class wrote an explicit story about the two of us and then harassed me. How do I best deal with him?

I'm (20f) a lesbian. I'm in uni on a literature course that involves a creative writing module. There's a guy (26m) in my class. He asked me out last year and I said no because I don't like men and the week before last he submitted a short story for us to workshop in class. The main male character was a self insert, and the love interest was me.

He used a fake name but about 1/3 of the class approached me (all separately) and told me they had been able to identify the love interest as me. She starts off as a lesbian, says "everyone is a little bi" and then there is a very detailed, very graphic sex scene. When we were going over it in class someone who had made the link asked about his inspiration for the characters, and he slipped and used my real name when saying where he got the inspiration for the love interest. The lecturer held him back after class and gave him a stern talking to. Not sure what she said but he apologised to me and he's re-written the love interest, who still holds some resemblance to me but not much.

A few nights ago he came to my place of work (I am a waitress and he knows where and has an idea of my shift patterns) and said he'd come to show me the fixed story. When I said I didn't have time he grabbed my wrist and tried to stop me walking away. Manager was in the back and then left early and coworker was the only person working the bar, so I was pretty much on my own. At the very end of the night as we were closing up the bartender chased him out and I started my walk home. The guy was still there and he tried to kiss me. I kneed him in the bollocks and legged it. There were no cameras. I feel confident in saying he was sober, as he didn't act drunk and I was bringing him refills of coke all night, no alcohol.

I am meant to be in uni right now, but I'm worried about running into him. I don't know whether I should go to the lecturer or not as the second incident didn't happen on university time or on campus, and I don't live on campus either so I don't think there's a whole lot they could do to help. I think it might be a good idea to message him and tell him that if he does that again I'll report him, but I'm not sure that's going to be enough.

What's the best way for me to handle this?

TL;DR: Guy in class wrote "friend fiction" about me and him. Lecturer made him change it, he came to my workplace to get me to read the changes and grabbed me and tried to kiss me. Now nervous to go to uni in case I run into him. What should I do?

Submitted November 13, 2019 at 03:16AM by Character_Lavishness
Guy in class wrote an explicit story about the two of us and then harassed me. How do I best deal with him? Guy in class wrote an explicit story about the two of us and then harassed me. How do I best deal with him? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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