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My (F31) mother (66) tries to persuade me I am a victim in my marriage

I am the only child and I was always very close with my mother, I admit that many decisions in my life were made because she wanted ,,the best,, for me and I didn’t want to make her sad. I see it now but I don’t know how to end this toxic relationship with her.

At this point in my life I am happily married (6 years). together with my husband (M30) we have made decisions who is responsible for what in our family. I work 8-15, 5 days a week as GP, I am mostly responsible for children (m4, m3, also 25 week pregnant at this moment) all house duties (cooking, cleaning, washing etc), husband works more than I, mostly 8-18, sometimes also weekends - as MD. He is also a handyman at our house. Helps with kids. And I am fine with that, Iam a happy person and I am proud of myself that I handle everything quite well. I know my husband would help me if I would ask him but I see no point, I know that I handle house work faster and better, and in return he doesn’t bother me with broken car, garden work clogged sink...

Of course my mother thinks I am a victim of my husband, she thinks that He has less duties than I, that my husband should do everything for me (she doesn’t like my husband and they are permanently conflicted.). She calls me everyday telling me she wants the best for me, how my husband is lazy, that he doesn’t respect me, that he is doing nothing, that she feels pity for me. When I tell her that I like my life the way it is, that he is also hard working, only doing different things than I do, she tells me that she doesn’t believe me, that one day I will finnaly notice how ,,miserable,, I am and that my husband is an a**hole and that he doesn’t care for me.

I am so sad of this whole situation, I would expect from my mother to be supportive, to tell me I am doing well and she is proud of me. This situation is more and more stressful for me, I know I need to do something but honestly I don’t know what. How to speak with her? Stop talking with her? Just wait and do nothing? I would appreciate some advice from you.

And sorry for my English

Tl;dr Mom thinks I have to many duties compared to my husband

Submitted July 31, 2019 at 12:53PM by RebelliousElf1
My (F31) mother (66) tries to persuade me I am a victim in my marriage My (F31) mother (66) tries to persuade me I am a victim in my marriage Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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