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Boyfriend [31M] of 2 years and I [27F] having disagreement over my new cat.

I recently got a cat. I am going through a difficult time in my life. I am dealing with a chronic illness. Thankfully, there is a surgery I will be getting that will cure me of my health problem. The cat has been a great help to me. Having something to care for and nurture has helped me with my illness-related depression. I love my cat.

Here is the problem. I respect my cat. He may not be as intelligent as humans, but I believe he is worthy of respect. I read up on cat behavior to understand how to best interact with the cat.

My boyfriend thinks it is okay to push the cat out of his way with his foot. He often ignores the body language of the cat which indicates annoyance, and ends up getting scratched. He blames the cat. I asked him not to push the cat with his foot, because the cat will not understand, and it will only make the cat afraid of him. He pushed the cat today to prevent him from dashing out the front door, and the cat attacked his foot.

The way he treats this animal is really turning me off of him. From his point of view, it is fine to push the cat out of the way with your foot and he thinks I am "letting the cat rule the house" by not using such discipline.

Am I being overly sensitive? The cat and I get along well and he seems to trust and like me. I have gentle ways of moving him if I need him out of the way, like picking him up and relocating him, which he does not mind. He sleeps with me in bed every night, so he must like me.

I don't know what to do? Am I being crazy and letting the cat run the house, or is my boyfriend's behavior as awful as I feel it is? I am thinking of ending the relationship because I find his attitude towards animals repulsive.

My cat is named Marshmallow by the way. :)

TLDR; boyfriend thinks it is okay to push cat out of the way with his foot, even though it causes the cat to attack him. He says that I am being "overly sensitive" and the cat is "just an animal that needs discipline." I find this attitude repulsive and am considering ending the relationship over it. I need to look out for the well being of my cat. What should I do?

Edit: no links allowed so if you want a cat tax let me know and I'll dm you :)

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 11:36AM by duck-cracker
Boyfriend [31M] of 2 years and I [27F] having disagreement over my new cat. Boyfriend [31M] of 2 years and I [27F] having disagreement over my new cat. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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