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My (f29) Husband (m32) came to bed very strangely. Idk how worried I should be.

I bolted awake when I heard a thud. The hall light and our bathroom light where on and he was doing what looked like a back or shoulder stretch on the floor. I assumed he had gotten up to get ready and he was stretching out his bad shoulder. (I think he has to be at work around 6 this morning and I’m not sure what time it is at this point.)

I ask him if he’s okay and what happened. He doesn’t answer he just breathes really deeply and makes small noises like he’s hurt. Again, he has a bad shoulder so I just assumed he was stretching it. It felt like 10 minutes went by without him responding or giving me any cue so I start with the questions again. Did you hit it or sleep on it funny? What happened? Still nothing but his small movements in the stretch and weird noises like he’s breathing through it. When he didn’t answer me again I got out of bed (still haven’t checked the time) and say next to him. I rubbed his back and asked if I could rub his shoulder. He shook his head yes. A minute or two of that and I start asking more questions. I get him to lay down so I can rub his shoulder better. When he finally gets on his back o realize he’s either seriously hurt or seriously drunk. I’ve never seen him this drunk before - ever. He usually happy and horny and silly and sweet. But tonight he can barely move, pretty sure he peed on the carpet, he is completely out of it.

I asked if he drank to much, he said maybe, I asked if he peed on the floor, he laughed and said no. I asked him to get in bed and that was a wild ride watching him get up and get into bed. He asked where the dog was. I checked the time at some point and realized I’d been asleep for two hours and he must have been coming to bed.

I looked in the living room/kitchen after he got in bed and I didn’t see any obvious signs of super drunkness. I didn’t see anything weird at all. So I’m kind of freaking out now.

He peed on the floor. He was making very weird snoring-type sounds. He could barely move. Maybe he was just asleep and that’s why? Should I be worried about something raw or pay attention to his breathing?

I was never the friend who took care of drunk people in college! Help!

TLDR: is my husband just drink or should I be more worried? He stumbles into bed after laying on the ground what looks to be in pain. He pees on the carpet and could barely talk/walk.

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 09:46PM by shakis123
My (f29) Husband (m32) came to bed very strangely. Idk how worried I should be. My (f29) Husband (m32) came to bed very strangely. Idk how worried I should be. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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