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Am I [21F] wrong for asking my boyfriend [21M] why we don’t have sex more often?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 3 years. In the beginning he always wanted to eat me out all the time and have sex. I know it was the honeymoon phase so I try not to compare things to how it was then.

We have sex once per week if I’m lucky and sometimes it feels like he’s just doing it to get it done so I’ll shut up about it.

Today I brought it up once again when I told him I don’t remember the last time we did it. Probably two weeks ago. He said that relationships don’t need sex to be good and I said that if he would rather be friends than to just tell me because sometimes I feel like he’s not sexually attracted anymore. He said that he loves me and he’s in charge of his own body and doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do. He always told me that if the situation were reversed and he was the one asking for more sex he would be deemed a pig. He told me that I’m being a pig and that if I think sex is the most important thing then I’m an idiot. He also asked me how Christian couples function without sex if it’s such a big deal. I don’t know why he’s attacking me so much when I bring up the subject. I have needs and I feel like he’s putting me down just for saying how I feel. I guess I just feel like sex brings people closer together and is a big part in intimacy. We see each other everyday since we live together too so there’s plenty of opportunities. I thought that the issue would resolve itself and I always made excuses for it such as him being busy with school, working a lot or just anything that I could think of. Sometimes I think he’s asexual or something.

TL;DR: is it wrong to ask my boyfriend why we don’t have sex more often than we do?

Submitted August 27, 2019 at 11:30AM by gymaddict21
Am I [21F] wrong for asking my boyfriend [21M] why we don’t have sex more often? Am I [21F] wrong for asking my boyfriend [21M] why we don’t have sex more often? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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