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Husband [26M] won't stop playing classic WoW after I threatened to divorce him for ignoring our 6mo old daughter

TL;DR Three months ago I [21F] threatened to divorce my husband because when he came home from work he ignored both me and my daughter for video games. He is still playing video games.

So I am currently a stay at home mom, after leaving the military to care for my daughter while my husband decided to finish out his contract. Before the baby was born we had a whole host of issues, and I do recognize that they weren't all his fault. As a couple we didn't spend much time together and we had entirely separate communities we went to whenever we were off work. We both played video games all day, because as a childless, dual military couple, we had room for that. Even though while we were both working I was still the one to handle almost all of the chores and meals.

I would often try to get his attention to do things outside of video games but whenever I did get him away from the computer he started watching twitch on his phone, and eventually I got so sick of it I started doing the same thing because I got tired of feeling rejected, and eventually I started hating sex with him because I felt so used. Sex was the only time he ever wanted to just be with me.

After we had a baby he tried to continue his video game habit. When it was his turn to watch the baby, during his paternity leave, he would place her in one of her baby chairs, turn around, and ignore her if she started crying. He would get so irate with her as a newborn that I was afraid to leave her alone with him.

Now when PPD hit me I found it very hard to cope with trying to take care of a newborn entirely by myself. Sometimes I would have to put her down for a few hours just to take care of myself and destress. Eventually I got put on anti-depressants which did help quite a lot, but I still found myself resenting my husband because he never helped, he wouldn't touch our daughter unless I asked, the only time he wanted to spend with me was if we would have sex, and I found myself wanting a divorce. I didn't feel anything for him.

What the last straw was, was when I asked him once to get up at night to feed the baby because I was tired. (At that time I only asked him to help at all maybe 3 times a week) and he responded by slamming doors and yelling at the baby for being hungry. So I said I wanted a divorce and went to my mothers.

After a month of being there, and of my family basically concluding that me being on my phone to talk to my friends was definitive of me cheating and telling me that my husband deserves a second chance for either completely ignoring my daughter or yelling at her, and blaming my medication for making me withdraw from them.

So I went back home to my husband, we scheduled marriage counseling, and for the first month he was really good about helping out and being with the baby, and since he was on half days at work since he's leaving the military soon he had plenty of spare time. But ever since classic Wow came back out (he's now on leave and has no work at all) it's gone completely back to how it was. I get up, walk, take care of baby, food, and almost all the chores unless I ask him to do something, while he plays the stupid game all day. If he does watch her she's in a small chair behind him watching him play.

Also, to kind of fix the issues I was contributing to the relationship I stopped gaming. I deleted most of my friends and don't talk to them that much anymore, and I've been trying to have sex and give him affection and stuff but touching him either makes me disgusted, irrationally irritated, or I just don't feel anything. It's not that I don't want sex, but I just don't feel anything towards him.

After all of this, whether it actually be my fault or not, I just don't feel anything towards him. I'm not even angry anymore.

I just want to know, is it my fault? Am I actually wrong for wanting a divorce or am I just going crazy because I just had a baby and things have been stressful. Every time I talk about getting a divorce to my mother she makes me feel like I'm stupid for wanting that.

Submitted August 30, 2019 at 02:32PM by Porgmonger76
Husband [26M] won't stop playing classic WoW after I threatened to divorce him for ignoring our 6mo old daughter Husband [26M] won't stop playing classic WoW after I threatened to divorce him for ignoring our 6mo old daughter Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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