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My [29M] girlfriend [23F] is throwing temper tantrums. What is wrong with her?

We've been dating for 3 years now. We're both very temperamental people and we've had some arguments in the past, but for the most part I would say our relationship is really good. We talk a lot about everything (at least we used to) and for the most part I would say that I am extremely happy in their relationship, at least I was until recently. We're very close and I don't feel like there's anything she wouldn't be able to share with me or vice versa.

Very recently she has started "acting out" and it's extremely bizarre and every single time I bring it up she starts acting like I'm "accusing her" of acting in some way. I've asked her if there's anything wrong going on with her or her life, but she keeps saying she's fine and I've already asked her so many times she's told me "This is getting annoying. I told you everything is okay, stop asking me, there's nothing wrong." In short, even when I try to discuss it, it ends with he throwing temper tantrums about it. This is extremely strange and nothing like her. I've known her for over 3 years and the entire time I've known her to be very rational, open and generally honest and up front and while she DOES get angry sometimes, her recent behavior is so out of the norm that I am almost genuinely shocked every single time it happens.

Some examples just off of the top of my head:

We planned to go to town to have lunch, I told her sure, but we didn't agree on the time. She was sleeping in and I called her when I freed up (Like 3 hours after our initial conversation) and said "I'm driving over now". And she freaked the fuck out. She started throwing this massive temper tantrum when I got there, saying she's not ready - she needs to shower, put make-up now, change her clothes etc. Literally screaming at me to the point where even her roommate was just standing there in complete shock and not knowing what to say. Obviously I don't care if she has make-up on or not, but I also don't care about WAITING for her to do all of these things. I could have sat in my car, I could have had a coffee with her roommate (Who's my friend as well) while we waited. It was genuinely NOT an issue at all. I later brought it up to her when she calmed down and said that was "Really uncomfortable" and she got angry and said "Are you going to keep this up? Just drop it. Forget it" etc etc and it ended up with us getting into a massive argument, but I later apologized.

I took her shopping another time, she saw a bag she really liked, I offered to buy it for her (it was really expensive) because I have the money, but she started throwing a massive tantrum when the sales lady said they only have that one model as an example and they're sold out now. She stormed out of the store (leaving me there) and when I ran after her she literally had tears in her eyes and was just screaming about how "fucking shit" that store is and how everything here is shit and how she wants to go home because they ruined her mood.

She called me one night and asked if I wanted to come over and watch a movie with her and her roommate, when I said I couldn't because I had a lot of work, she hung up on me really rudely and proceeded to ignore me for like 2 days. I called her roommate and she said "I literally don't know what the fuck is wrong with her". I was really upset at her, but she later apologized and said then brushed me off and started getting upset when I wanted to talk with her about it.

On another occasion I took her to a restaurant and when we were sitting at our table she started throwing a LITERAL temper tantrum and everyone was looking at us. Over the food. It wasn't good enough. It was a high-end restaurant, but sure, I guess you can dislike the food and stuff, I even offered to take her somewhere else, but after eating half of her plate she slammed her utensils down and said "Just take me home." and when I tried talking to her in the care she kept getting angry and annoyed. And told me to "Stop talking about it fucking christ I'm not in the fucking mood." Then when I stopped at her place, she got out of the car, slammed my door and walked off straight away. A couple of days later she messaged me like nothing happened. When I tried to talk about it, she was getting angry again.

I have known her for a generally good amount of time and she only started behaving like this in the last couple of months. I talked to her roommate and she said that she noticed it as well and that they don't even talk to each other anymore because she's always locked in her room. What's going on and how do I talk to her about this?

tl;dr Girlfriend is having extreme mood swings and bizarre behavior out of nowhere and doesn't want to talk about it and I don't know what to do. I love her, but I'm really close to breaking up with her.

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 10:16AM by bnvcdf
My [29M] girlfriend [23F] is throwing temper tantrums. What is wrong with her? My [29M] girlfriend [23F] is throwing temper tantrums. What is wrong with her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 28, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Man said...

Dude she isnt wierd , you are , first of all you shouldnt take care of her like a baby, you have your own life and if she throws tantrums and embarrasses u , tell her this wont be tolerated like a man and if ahe continues with this behaviour you wont talk or meet her for a week and like this for 2 weeks and then 3 weeks , until she apologises to you about everything, plain and simple be a MAN

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