My [26F] boyfriend [28M] is obsessed with attention from other women and I don't know if it's worth waiting for him to get it together.
We've been together almost a year and are in love. He constantly leaves questionable comments on other women's Instagram photos (heart eye emojis, going on about how hot they are, etc.). I have called him out for this is the past and now he's just doing it on the accounts of women I don't follow because he thinks I can't see it. He has this female friend who I suspect he met on Instagram who calls and texts him constantly. He says they're just friends, but she has left a few sexual comments on his IG. The worst part is he still hasn't deleted Tinder from his phone because he "doesn't delete apps." I know all of this sounds like I should just dump him, but he is truly my rock. I think it's just shady behavior and he isn't actually cheating on me. Is there a way that we can work through this or am I delusional?
TL;DR, my boyfriend is too friendly with women on Instagram and I don't know if it's worth throwing the relationship away over.
Submitted August 01, 2019 at 10:48AM by KaiSparda
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