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I (20F) found a blog post by my sister (23F) written about me. She says I am a terrible person and all this other horrible stuff. I had no idea she thought of me this way, and I don't know how to confront her about this.

My sister has always been sort of the 'good' one of the family. She got amazing grades, she never partied, she works very hard at her career and is very responsible. I wasn't necessarily the bad one, I never did anything too bad, but I was never quite as 'good' as my sister. The worst I ever did really was smoke pot a bit and go to parties and stuff. Even my parents weren't too weirded out by any of that, but regardless, my sister always frowned upon it.I got a 87 average graduating high school (I think that is like a 3.4 GPA? not even sure), and in college right now my GPA is a 3.2. I go to the same college my sister went to, although she graduated already. I knew that she absolutely despised the 'cool' kids at school, and while I was never one of them, I still would sometimes go to their parties and such. She didn't despise them because of jealousy, she hated them because she thought they were reckless and irresponsible and would end up fucking up their lives. There were always big kind of social gaps between us. I went through a scene kid phase, she never really stopped being anything but a more preppy girl. I bleached my hair and got piercings and wore a leather jacket in college, she mostly wore more normal clothes. But she never really commented on any of that.

Anyways, we live together. Her computer broke, so she used my dads computer. I use my dads computer to play video games sometimes (my laptop barely even has a video card lol), and when I went on, I noticed she had tabs open. One of them was to a blog post. I started reading it, and soon enough, I realized this was FROM HER. She was writing it. It was her ranting about her job, which I thought funny. I probably shouldn't have read more, but I couldn't resist. It seemed incredibly harmless, she was just complaining that her office had ugly wallpaper and that her coworkers wore ugly clothes. Then I skimmed down and there was stuff written about me. Horrible stuff, like really insulting stuff that she has never said to my face. She said I was going to end up a drug addict, that I could never get my life together, that whenever faced with any form of challenge I make excuses, that I probably slept with half of my college by now (no, not at all). It was like 3-4 paragraphs of ranting, making me out to be some kind of wrecking ball of a girl. She even ranted about me getting a tattoo. A tattoo of my dog, on my shoulder. Literally the smallest, most harmless tattoo imaginable. She also said I let guys treat me like shit, and that every relationship I have been in has been with some asshole. Okay, half true. But still, the way she wrote it made it seem as I was responsible for that somehow, that the only men I attract are assholes because that is 'what I deserve, with the way I am'. She said that I never respected our parents and never cared about advancing my life, that I was a waste of space. It was horrible. I just felt this terrible feeling in my gut,

I was just astounded at what she wrote. I always knew she kind of shook her head at my previous shenanigans but I never knew she truly detested me like this and viewed me as some kind of... bad person? I don't even know the word to use. We don't exactly talk that much really. I mean, sometimes, but in general she was always busy. When we did talk though I never got the vibe that she hated me, we sometimes joked around and laughed. Its just so weird and hurtful to hear this. I don't even want to live in the same house as her, I feel disgusted.

How do I bring this up? Do I bring this up? Is it even worth it? I feel almost like all of the previous things I have ever had with her have always been some sort of facade she put on now.

TL;DR - - I found a blog post written by my sister saying I am a terrible person.

Submitted June 26, 2019 at 02:25PM by hanjiblal1
I (20F) found a blog post by my sister (23F) written about me. She says I am a terrible person and all this other horrible stuff. I had no idea she thought of me this way, and I don't know how to confront her about this. I (20F) found a blog post by my sister (23F) written about me. She says I am a terrible person and all this other horrible stuff. I had no idea she thought of me this way, and I don't know how to confront her about this. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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