My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. I have moved out from my parents a year ago, and is living on my own. My boyfriend stays with me 2-3 days each week, and the other days at home with his parents. For the past 2 years, their house has had a rodent problem. Apparently they have taken care of it per my boyfriend, but I feel like the mice are just dormant in a more inactive area of the house. Don't get me wrong, I have nagged my boyfriend about this and told them to get it professionally done which him and his father has decided not to do. My boyfriend's family is small (4), and their house is pretty empty for part of the day; no one really goes downstairs. The other day, I came over for thanksgiving, and was helping with the dishes. I asked my boyfriend to open the dishwasher, and noticed A LOT (maybe 6) of cockroaches swarm and go into hiding. I looked at my boyfriend, and all he had to say to me was, "Let's not talk about that right now." Days later, I asked if we could talk about that, and he says, "no." A couple more, I asked him to get it professionally taken care of and he says, "I lived with them all my life, and I haven't had any problems." Now, you're probably wondering why I am getting so riled up about this...
In my culture, when the wife gets married into the family, you don't get yourself a house right away. You live with the in-laws, especially when there is only one son (my bf is the only son). So, we plan to get married, but I can't come to terms with his house. Other than the mice and cockroaches, it is SO dirty, but my boyfriend thinks it is just fine. I can't really talk to his parents because his father has the biggest EGO of all time, and they would count that as disrespectful. Like, I can't just tell them that their house is too dirty. For the past 5 years that I have known them, they're proud of their house... What can I do? Should I set an ultimatum? I feel like it will never be clean.
TL;DR: Due to culture, i will have to live with in-laws after marriage, but their house is dirty and has rodent and cockroach problems. Boyfriend thinks it's okay, but I can't think to live in a house like this. What can I do?
Submitted December 01, 2018 at 10:37AM by MTNinjax
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