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(27 F) wants to divorce (29 M) husband of 5 years. We have a 1 year old son. Advice please.

TL;DR: My husband and I have been together for 10 years (married 5), we have a 1 year old son. I’m just not happy anymore and I haven’t been for a long time, other than the happiness my son brings me. I’ve given up so much of what makes me happy just to make him content. I’ve tried talking to him about it before, and I’ve even mentioned separating for a little while and he freaks out and says “I need you,” “please don’t leave me,” he cries and begs and I feel guilty and end up staying. I still love him, but I’m not in love with him anymore. I don’t see him as my life partner anymore. But I’m so terrified of “abandoning” him.

I honestly don’t know where to start, so I’m just going to start as best I can.

•He doesn’t want anything to do with my family. Very rarely goes to family functions, and when he does it’s like pulling teeth to get him to. Complains about having to go, acts completely miserable and barely talks to anybody while there, and makes me feel rushed the whole time we’re there. I’m very close to my family and love going to family functions. It didn’t use to bother me as much as it does now that we have a son. I’d like to do this kind of stuff as a family.

•He doesn’t have a license and refuses to get them. He let his license expire a year or two after we’d been together. I tried to talk him into renewing them with no luck. I’ve been driving him anywhere he needs to go all this time. He works 45 minutes away from where we live and I either have to drive him and pick him up (all while working 50 hours a week), and some mornings I work earlier and have to get my mom or best friend to take him (which is an inconvenience to them). But if I mention him getting his license he gets mad.

•He expects “free time” when it comes to watching our son, but if I need him to keep an eye on him while I cook or clean he gets irritated. He says it’s because I just got home from work so our son gets mad if I’m not in the game room with them, but gets irritated when I suggest sitting in the living room with him while I do these things.

•ALL HE WANTS TO DO IS PLAY VIDEO GAMES! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy playing games. However, that is literally all he is interested in. All he talks about (with the occasional talk of some new form of technology that’s come out). I barely ever really talk anymore because he’s always talking about that kind of stuff and it’s just old to me now. I get so bored listening to the same stuff.

•Doesn’t want to give up his game room so our son can have his own room. We have a two bedroom house, the spare room he turned into a game room before we had our son. And when we found out we were pregnant his first concern was giving up the game room. So I said that we could put his nursery in our bedroom until he got old enough to need a room. Well there’s a decent size section of my living room dedicated to toys because I have nowhere else to put them. But God forbid I suggest him giving up a game room to let our son have his own room.

There’s more I could go into, but I think you might get an idea of it. Ask me absolutely anything if I need to further elaborate.

Submitted November 02, 2018 at 04:11PM by Poisonquinnzel
(27 F) wants to divorce (29 M) husband of 5 years. We have a 1 year old son. Advice please. (27 F) wants to divorce (29 M) husband of 5 years. We have a 1 year old son. Advice please. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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