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My mom treats my dad like a king but he still wants to divorce her

My mom is the sweetest women on the planet. She cooks everything for us, does all the laundry, cleans the entire house constantly, does the grocery shopping. She even serves him his food in his recliner with everything he eats. Sometimes she’ll even clip his own toenails for him. My dad on the other hand is 40 and works everyday but weekends, he’s also the major breadwinner of the family. He is extremely obese and mostly does nothing for the two days he’s home. He’s typically a nice guy, but is very short tempered. For the second time (that I know of) in the last 2 years he’s been talking with his mom (my grandmother) about divorcing my mother because he’s not happy in general. This is extremely infuriating to me because of the lack of appreciation of the love my mother gives him.

Another problem is my suspicion that he wants to be with another women. More specifically one my moms friends who we will call Jessica. Jessica and my parents both have a young kid around the same age. The two kids are best friends which leads our families to hang out often. When we’re with them my dad often stays close to Jessica, talks to her often and laughs with her which is something I haven’t seen my parents do together in a few years. Jessica is married with three kids. The extra layer to this story is that Jessica and my father dated in high school and I believe his feelings have resurfaced.

I guess my question to everyone reading would be what should I do? Am I right to be upset with my dad? Should I confront him and tell him how stupid he is? How can I help my mother stay happy and not fall into a depression? Really any advice would be lovely.

Edit: Sorry I didn’t state this in the post but my mother does all this stuff for him on top of keeping a full time job. She’s not a stay at home mom.

TL;DR My mom treats my dad perfectly but he claims he is unhappy and wants a divorce

Submitted April 25, 2023 at 09:56PM by Inevitable_Click_696
My mom treats my dad like a king but he still wants to divorce her My mom treats my dad like a king but he still wants to divorce her Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 26, 2023 Rating: 5

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