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Long Distance Girlfriend (23F) is set on living in Florida, but I (24M have no interest in living there

So I have been with my GF for about 5 years now. We were in person for a year (I live in New York and she was from here originally), but then she went away to Florida for college. We typically see one another a few times a year for about a week or two at a time, and aside from that text regularly every day and video call multiple nights a week.

She had finished college recently and has lived down there because that's where her mom and a large portion of her family are at too. I am set to finish college myself in May, which is what we were both waiting on to ultimately close the distance. We had been trying to work on a compromise for quite some time in terms of our living situation. My GF really has her heart set on staying and me moving to Florida to be with her. I have expressed many reserverations about it, but I have remained at least open minded to a possible move as it is certainly not cheap to try live on our own in New York, and for that matter much of the Northeast.

In the past year, my perspective has pretty much entirely changed for a multitude of reasons. To start out. I am a bisexual man, and I also have queer friends and am pretty closely connected to that community. The laws passed in Florida over the last short period of time, without getting political, make me feel very uncomfortable living in Florida long term.

Also, after one of our recent visits pretty recently, we had a pregnancy scare when my GF missed her period. It didn't wind up being anything (thank god), but if something like that happens living in a state like Florida it could upend our lives and put us both in a situation we both don't want to be in, certainly not at this point in our lives.

All this being said, I have pretty much made up my mind that I would be very uncomfortable living in Florida. My problem is however my GF pretty much is dead set on this, even though I have much more vocally expressed my reserverations more recently and she seems to be very hesitant and reluctant to be open to any sort of compromise. How do I begin to express this feeling outright to my GF, without everything blowing up?

TL;DR: GF is set on living in Florida, but I feel uncomfortable with it because it feels very at odds with my life and my values.

Submitted April 17, 2023 at 08:50PM by ThreeDaysAtThis
Long Distance Girlfriend (23F) is set on living in Florida, but I (24M have no interest in living there Long Distance Girlfriend (23F) is set on living in Florida, but I (24M have no interest in living there Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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