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How can I get my(29F) parents(65M &61F) to stop fat shaming my niece(14F)?

I am caring for my niece since her father is unable. My sister-in-law passed away a few years back and since then my brother has been a mess and my niece has put on a considerable amount of weight from stress and a terrible diet. The past few months we've been working with a nutritionist and therapist to get her eating under control. It hasn't been easy but she's gotten down to 245 lbs which is around 35 lbs less than her starting. Her health and fitness has improved but she still has a ways to go.

I've been advised to not keep a ton of sweets in the house, but my parents don't seem to get it even after I explained the situation. For the record, my niece is supposed to be on a low sugar diet rn. My mom still brought a ton of sweets over for Easter, and okay I get its a holiday and I'm fine with that--we had a large enough group to enjoy it. What I wasn't okay with was how my mother singled out my niece a few times for eating despite offering it in the first place. I admit my niece was eating more than most of the adults, but I know this is equivalent to inviting an alcoholic to an open bar. Its something my niece is learning to control.

My mom kept making indiscrete comments about my niece's body and how her clothes looked on her etc, I got annoyed and pulled my mom away to talk upstairs. I basically told her to knock it off and she got all defensive. In her words my niece "has no control" and needs "tough love" to motivate her. She said I need to be "exercising her more" and forbid her from eating so much food. I couldn't seem to get my mom to realize that the reason she was eating so much crap was because mom brough so much crap. Our conversation didn't end well and my mother avoided me the rest of the night and is still pissy.

TL;DR: My mother keeps body shaming my overweight niece while also contributing to the problem.

Submitted April 17, 2023 at 06:08PM by Comfortable_Tie715
How can I get my(29F) parents(65M &61F) to stop fat shaming my niece(14F)? How can I get my(29F) parents(65M &61F) to stop fat shaming my niece(14F)? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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