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Getting concerned about my husband’s apparent short term memory loss??

So…this literally boggles me and I (24F) have no idea what to do about it. My husband (25M, married 4 years) frequently “forgets” that he does things and then gets defensive when I insist that he did them. Small stupid things, but it consistently happens at least once a week. A couple examples off the top of my head are:

(1) I leave the hot water side of the bathroom faucet on for a bit so it can warm up before I wash my face, my husband comes in to brush his teeth and turns the cold on as well to run his toothbrush under, then when he is done walks away. I say “hey, when you are done can you turn the cold water off? I am trying to warm it up before I wash my face.” Then he gets super annoyed and defensive and says “You already had it on, I just tapped it a little more so it would be stronger.” And I’m like ??? “No I didn’t? I’m trying to get the water hot, why would I turn both sides on?” And then he keeps insisting that’s already how it was and walks away.

(2) We’re driving in the car and he burps like 5 times (his are always in succession and are these weird hiccup-burp things so they are very noticeable). A minute later I burp once. He says “Wow, nice” in a teasing manner and I roll my eyes and tease back “You burped 5 times like a minute ago.” And he’s like “No I didn’t.” And I think he’s just joking and I’m like “Whatever.” And then he gets all serious and is like “I didn’t!” And I’m like ??? “Uh, yeah you did, why would I make that up?” And he is like “Why are you gaslighting me?” And I’m like ??? And then we proceed to have the stupidest argument ever over who is gaslighting who.

In these instances he is SUPER adamant that he is right, and it’s starting to concern me because it’s like he has memory loss or something. I know it’s just small things, but still, it can turn into a big fight just because of something simple which is lame, I know.

Has anyone experienced something similar to this? Any advice as to what might be causing it or what to do? I can’t exactly film my whole life for proof to show him when it happens.

Edit: I think if he was just forgetting little things and then when I pointed it out he was like “Oh, I didn’t even notice “ it wouldn’t be so concerning, cause people don’t always pay attention to little things. I think it is mainly concerning cause he has started to get so upset about it and convinced I am lying for some reason? Like, why is he paranoid I would make up pointless stuff?

TL;DR my husband forgets he does small things and then gets mad at me when I insist he did them

Submitted November 27, 2021 at 09:49PM by Curiosity-Sailor
Getting concerned about my husband’s apparent short term memory loss?? Getting concerned about my husband’s apparent short term memory loss?? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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