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Kid(m10) I'm babysitting opened up to me about his mom's abuse. My boyfriend(m27) threatened to break up with me if I(f26) report her

We have been dating for a few years since meeting in college. We both worked full-time jobs and have different hobbies we use to decompress. I manage a Discord and play volleyball in my spare time, and he has a friend group that's comprised of friends from college that I sometimes hang with too. I lost my job at the beginning of covid and have been applying since things slowly started going back to normal. One of my friends said that his parents were looking for a babysitter after their prior one didn't want to get vaccinated, but since I was, I asked if I could try, and he was able to help me start. I've since begun babysitting for others as well in the meantime while having interviews lined up too

It's important to state that my boyfriend is vaccinated too. He's fully for it and got his at the same time as me. However, one of the kids that I've babysat for some time opened up to me about something regarding his mom and how she smoked weed while around his sister (f3) after work and sometimes while interacting with her too. When I asked him how often, he said pretty often and that she's spanked him for questioning her on it recently. He also said that he (John, m10) wanted to tell someone at school but was afraid to get in trouble if nothing happened and made her upset, but that he felt comfortable enough telling me. He asked if there was anything I could do about it, and his dad was divorced some time ago too

However, when I told my boyfriend about it last night, he said it was best to not get involved because there's probably more to it and that it'll just "create unnecessary drama", but when I tried to stress that I couldn't just sit on what he told me, he said that I'd be "acting like a Ka___" if I did anything and to mind my own business. He also said he was "disappointed" that I seemed bothered by it and wanted to watch a movie to change the subject, but I wasn't in the mood and said I'd call my mom to talk to her. But when I told him that, he said "of course she'll take your side because she's a woman" and that I'm "calling her because she'll say what I want to hear" and that if I go through with it, we'll be done. He's never threatened our relationship before up to that point, but I'm also taken aback by how little he seems to care when I told him about the violence and how hesitant the kid was to even bring it up to me. I wasn't able to talk to my mom yesterday because it was late, but we'll gonna talk later after she gets off from work, but I just wanted to ask what I should do in this situation and how I should do it too. John is an awesome kid, and I want to help him. It's been less than 24 hours and I'm scheduled to watch them again next week. I just want to ask how I should go about it to ensure his safety and if anyone's been in a similar situation who can maybe provide expertise

Edit: John said that his mom would often walk around the home while holding the toddler and smoking weed at the same time which was his main concern and hitting him for voicing his concern about it. He also showed me a bruise from where his mom hit him yesterday too

TL;DR: A kid (m10) I've gotten to know over the past few weeks babysitting opened up to me about his mom smoking weed while interacting with his sister (f3) consistently after work and spanking him for voicing concern. The dad is out of the picture, and he told me that he was afraid to ask at school due to fear of getting trouble with his mom. He told me this less than 24 hours ago, and I want to ask how I should help him and proceed. My boyfriend disapproves, but the kid is my priority right now

Submitted November 28, 2021 at 05:05PM by throwrairoelro
Kid(m10) I'm babysitting opened up to me about his mom's abuse. My boyfriend(m27) threatened to break up with me if I(f26) report her Kid(m10) I'm babysitting opened up to me about his mom's abuse. My boyfriend(m27) threatened to break up with me if I(f26) report her Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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