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I [26f] started dating a guy [30m] I really like but I get some kind of sketchy vibes about his job. Am I being crazy?

Originally asked last night, got taken down because I accidentally broke a rule.

So I started dating my dude about a month and a half ago.

After a string of really bad first dates, he seemed like a breath of fresh air. He is very handsome, extremely intelligent. Plus he dresses well, which is kind of important to me because I work in fashion and its a big part of my life. He is very gentlemanly and kind to me and everyone I see him interact with.

We seem to be on the same page on most stuff. Politics, values, lifestyle all seem to line up well. I think I am probably going to wind up falling in love with him, if that makes sense.

But something that is bothering me a bit is his job.

He says he works as "VIP security", basically meaning he is a bodyguard. He won't tell me who he is bodyguarding, always citing confidentiality, and I can respect that, but we live in a city where you wouldn't really expect someone on the up and up to need personal protection.

What really threw me off was a couple nights ago I saw him getting ready for work and I suddenly realized he was carrying a gun. I kinda freaked (no judgement if you like them, but guns make me nervous and I prefer not being around them). He apologized and promised he wouldn't wear it around me again. He explained that he always wears it for work, but other than that and occasionally taking it to a firing range he keeps it locked in a safe in his closet. He seemed to assume I knew, but he definitely never mentioned carrying a gun at work before and it definitely gives me some anxiety.

He always works overnight (he goes to school during the day). He'll never tell me who he is working for or where he is going, it's always just "to work". He gets paid a lot of money I can tell, and he always wears high-end suits when he goes in. There is just something that feels really weird and sketchy about the whole thing.

Am I being crazy for being weirded out by all that? I do really like (maybe love) him, and I can forgive the gun thing as he has kept his word in keeping it away from me. But something feels off and I don't know if its just me?

Is this sort of work legitimate? Does all of this sound normal? I really like the guy, but I don't want to find out one day he is in the mafia or something.

tl;dr: Boyfriend is a "bodyguard". Carries a gun, wears nice suits, will never tell me where he goes for work or who he works for. Sketchy, or am I just paranoid?

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:02AM by Critical_Individual1
I [26f] started dating a guy [30m] I really like but I get some kind of sketchy vibes about his job. Am I being crazy? I [26f] started dating a guy [30m] I really like but I get some kind of sketchy vibes about his job. Am I being crazy? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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