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How do I [25M] handle my gf [28F] not liking my hobby of doing trackdays

We’ve been dating for a year and 2 months (about 14-15 months). Recently, I bought a sports car with the intention of tracking it. For those unfamiliar, trackdays are where you take your own car to a racetrack near you and just drive them on the track (usually 5 sessions of 20 min each) through the day, sharing the track with other cars. There are run groups based on your prior experience and it’s generally pretty supervised and no one gets very aggressive. You pass other cars if you’re faster when they slow down and let you pass them. It’s not racing or anything, just people having fun and learning, pushing the limits of their cars on the racetrack.

I’ve always been into cars and motorsports since I was a kid , and finally pulled the trigger on an aggressive sports car that was made for tracking (the engine warranty explicitly covers track use), and went to a couple of trackdays already and am getting better at it.

My gf has always been against it, and now she constantly pouts and is in a bad mood because I’m going again. I plan to go roughly every month because I can easily afford it and it’s a ton of fun and learning.

She thinks it’s too dangerous and that I want to die. This is a laughable assumption and I explained to her multiple times that it’s safe, modern cars are safe, most tracks with a couple exceptions have large runoff areas with nothing to hit if you go off the track, how even in the worst of cases there’s an Ambulance on the track at all times. She won’t hear any of it and constantly keeps saying it’s dangerous and stupid and that i should stop.

I mentioned that I also want to get into motorcycle trackdays (huge MotoGP fan too I am), and she lost her shit. That’s something I want to get into once I’m comfortable tracking cars.

She even got her friends to lecture me ffs. How would y’all handle this kind of situation?

Tl;dr: gf hates my relatively safe hobby of trackdays. What should I tell her beyond what I already have

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 02:44PM by udontwantdis
How do I [25M] handle my gf [28F] not liking my hobby of doing trackdays How do I [25M] handle my gf [28F] not liking my hobby of doing trackdays Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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