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Bf still talks to girl he had oral sex with at work. He is M 26 and I am F 36


My bf and I have been together almost a year now and whilst I do trust him and we have an awesome relationship, there is something from his past that bothers me.

There was a lady that he used to work with that showed interest in him, he told me one day they were alone at work and she came onto him and they ended up having oral sex (this was a few years before him and I met).

He said it only happened the one time but she had been chasing him a lot but he clearly told her that he is not interested in her. He told me she is not his type. The fact all this happened before he met me is no issue for me.

However, he ended up telling me she was pursuing him so much he had to actually change jobs and move cities (800 miles away) as she was making him feel uncomfortable.

Here is the part that bothers me the most - she STILL contacts him at least twice a week and they chat for at least 30 minutes at a time and sometimes more.

I asked him last night why is he still in phone/message contact (he also has her on his social media accounts) if he doesn't like her and he said because she is suicidal and has a lot of problems in her life and he feels by listening to her complain about her life that he is helping her stay alive and not kill herself. He said if he didn't talk to her and she took her life it would be on his conscious forever.

I asked what they talk about and he said mainly work and life issues and that sometimes she crosses the line but he reminds her that he is not interested.

I trust my bf but I feel uncomfortable. Am I being controlling by wanting him to not talk to her anymore? Even though I haven't said anything to him about me being uncomfortable and not wanting him to talk to her. But I wish he would just cut her out of his life.

TLDR - Bf is still in contact with a girl he had oral sex at work with and she still contacts him a couple of times a week. It's making me uncomfortable and I don't know if im being unreasonable or not?

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:39AM by throwawayhighll
Bf still talks to girl he had oral sex with at work. He is M 26 and I am F 36 Bf still talks to girl he had oral sex with at work. He is M 26 and I am F 36 Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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