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I [22M] ghosted my best friend [22M]. His brother [33M] just died and I want to reach out.

I had a mental breakdown / drug abuse problem and have been in-and-out of rehab / psych hospitals for 2 years. When I first did inpatient treatment 2 years ago, I stopped talking to everyone, including my family and close friends. It was not a rational or healthy reaction, and I don't know how to pick up the damage.

My family 'forced' their way back in to my life (I live in the same small town), but I was too ashamed to repair my friendships. I still love and admire my friends, especially "Jake", who has been my best friend since we were little kids. I think of Jake and my other close friends every day. I love them all, and know my actions have hurt them.

Anyways, I learned today that Jake's brother died from COVID. "Kevin" was the funniest and kindest person I ever met, and I know how special he was to Jake. I don't know how to make contact (if that's even appropriate), but I want Jake and his family to know that I often think of Kevin with joy, and will continue to do so.

I also just reached 6 months sobriety (and without an inpatient psych stay). I am theoretically stable, so I guess it's time to rip of the bandaid (of my absence and the hurt I've caused) with all of my loved ones, not just Jake. I have a therapist and will talk with him in a few days, but need a short term plan.

What should I do right away?

Does anyone have experience (from any angle) with a situation like this?

If you were the ghosted friend, would you want me to reestablish contact? Would you want me to reach out after a serious loss?

Tl;dr: I ghosted my friend whose brother just died. Is there a way to interact with Jake without making a horrible time more difficult?

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:36PM by buttercroissant6
I [22M] ghosted my best friend [22M]. His brother [33M] just died and I want to reach out. I [22M] ghosted my best friend [22M]. His brother [33M] just died and I want to reach out. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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