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My [28/F] dad’s [50s/M] ex-mistress [?/F] and ‘half-sister’ [18?/F] showed up at my house demanding I let them live with me.

When I was 10 my parents’ split up because my mom found out my dad had gotten his mistress pregnant when she showed up to our house during my birthday party. My dad denied the baby was his, but the mistress had some damning evidence of an affair which she showed my mom in front of me. It was a traumatic experience and I couldn’t celebrate my birthday for a long time. My parents eventually got back together when I was 13 and I never heard about the baby again. They’ve recently retired and downsized. My husband bought my childhood home from them, which is where we currently live.

Last week, my dad’s former mistress showed up to my house with a girl. I wasn’t home so my husband let them in to wait as they kept insisting the girl was my sister and they had something urgent to tell me. I asked them to leave as soon as I saw her, but she kept insisting she had to talk to me. She claimed my dad never gave her child support and that he abandoned his daughter because of me. They’d been struggling for a long time and now with the virus they’d lost their home. She’d come to ask my dad for help, she hadn’t realised he had moved. She kept insisting I help her and that my sister had lost out on a dad all of these years and the least I could do was to let them stay for a few days. When I told her no, she started begging me to give her my dad’s new address, but I refused. She tried to physically take my phone from me to get the information. My husband intervened and told her to leave or he would call the police. They left.

They’ve since come to my house twice again and have been harassing me over facebook. I’ve tried blocking them, but they keep making new accounts. My husband is insisting I let him send them a cease and desist letter so that I can get a restraining order if their behaviour continues. I’m hesitant because the girl sent me a really long letter over facebook yesterday claiming she just wanted to get a chance to know her dad and sister, she apologised for the way her mom was handling things and claimed she was only behaving this way because she was so desperate. She’s asked me for my dad’s number again.

If she is my sister, she has a right to know my dad and I don’t want to prematurely burn any bridges. However, my dad and mom are in a good place right now and I don’t want to ruin that. They’ve had a very happy marriage these past 15 years and I know if my dad lets his other daughter in it’ll destroy that. I know my reasoning is selfish but I feel like if he had wanted to know her he would have contacted her himself.

What do I do? Do I help them?

TL;DR – my dad got his mistress pregnant and now years later she’s shown up at my house demanding I let them live with me or that I give her my dad’s contact details. My parents’ have a happy marriage and I know this will destroy that so I’m reluctant to facilitate any contact.

Submitted August 28, 2020 at 07:03AM by ThrowRAhalfsista
My [28/F] dad’s [50s/M] ex-mistress [?/F] and ‘half-sister’ [18?/F] showed up at my house demanding I let them live with me. My [28/F] dad’s [50s/M] ex-mistress [?/F] and ‘half-sister’ [18?/F] showed up at my house demanding I let them live with me. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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