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Should I [24F] be upset my boyfriend[24m] changed out status on social media?

Hello, first time posting here! We’ve been dating for 7 months and it recently came to my attention that he had hid our relationship status on FB. It’s in a way that if I go to his profile, I can still see it’s up but no one else can. A friend brought it up to my attention thinking we broke up and it surprised me because I thought it had been public this whole time. I talked to him about it and he said he must have done it on accident and not on purpose but that seems a little far fetched to me. He uses social media everyday, mostly for memes or communicating with friends, but never posts me. His reasoning was he thinks it’s cringey when people in relationships post about each other.

Should I be concerned or am I completely just being insecure?

TLDR; bf hid our relationship status from everyone but me on “accident”

Edit: thank you everyone for the insight! We talked about it more and he said he didn’t even want to put it on Facebook in the first place. My friend was pressuring him to do it and he said he didn’t want to hurt my feelings by not doing so. He says it shouldn’t be anyone’s business. He showed me and it’s set to only me and not set to where only I can see it but for some reason I could see it and no one else. So we ended up just deleting it off both our profiles. There has been a few suspicious things before this as well. When I first posted we dated, a friend from high school told me he’s a cheater,liar, and gave a friend of hers an STD. To give him the benefit of the doubt, we both got STD tests that came out clean so I thought I’d drop it. I don’t have a perfect past either so the only thing I was really concerned about was the STDs. Another time, I found a condom in his car which we don’t use (I know I know please don’t crucify me) and he said it’s been there forever and he forgot about it. It’s still currently in his car because he keeps “forgetting” to take it out. I can see how it looks like I’m just being insecure or untrusting but also it seems like reasonable things to be worried about.

Edit2: It’s supposed to be our* in the title 🤦‍♀️

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 12:13PM by palomalovett
Should I [24F] be upset my boyfriend[24m] changed out status on social media? Should I [24F] be upset my boyfriend[24m] changed out status on social media? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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