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My [25F] BF [25M] won't message/talk to me unless I message him first. Is it reasonable to be upset about this?

Tl;DR My boyfriend and I are currently quaranting separately, and have not been able to see eachother since mid March. My boyfriend will not message or call me unless I have sent him something first, and as a result we can go days without speaking. Am I wrong from being upset about this?

Hi all, just hoping for some clarity.

My boyfriend and I have been together for over two years now, and we live separately. As a result of everything happening right now, we have also been quaranting separately and we haven't been able to see eachother in person since mid March. At first, we would speak through text everyday, but I was usually the one to message first. Now, however, if I want to talk to him at all, I will always have to be the one to message first. Even then, he will sometimes give me minimal responses that make it hard to keep a conversation going (tbf, he has always been a bit like this over text, but seeing as we can't see eachother now, its troubling me more). If I don't, we can go several days without speaking to eachother. This has been the case for a little over a month now.

I have tried a couple of times to talk to him about how this makes me feel. Last week I told him that it makes me feel like he isn't interested in talking to me, to which he only replied "thats not the case". I apologised for making assumptions and then we didn't speak for another two days until I messaged him again.

I feel immature even just typing all this out but I guess I'm just looking for perspective? I know that people, even people in relationships, don't need to speak everyday, but even just a "how are you" or asking about my day would be fine. And I just want him to take the iniative to speak to me as well, because I feel like if I didn't take the initative to speak to him first, we may never talk at all. Am I being unreasonable? Too clingy? Or would anyone be bothered by this?

Thanks in advance

Submitted May 30, 2020 at 10:18AM by rthrowaway367542
My [25F] BF [25M] won't message/talk to me unless I message him first. Is it reasonable to be upset about this? My [25F] BF [25M] won't message/talk to me unless I message him first. Is it reasonable to be upset about this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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