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I (25F) desperately want to turn down my dream guy (33M) because of my own insecurities

This is honestly a loooong story, but i'll try to keep this brief.

I met this guy a little over a year and a half ago. We have mutual friends, live pretty close, etc. We started out as friends/acquaintances, but I quickly developed feelings for him. We get along insanely well, have similar hobbies, interests, and life goals. It's not uncommon for us to talk for hours and hours at a time. Simply put, we just click.

Having never liked a guy so much in my life, I somehow grew the balls to confess my feelings to him last summer. They unfortunately weren't mutual. Anyways, we stayed friends, and still talk regularly.

Since then, he's gone on multiple dates with other women. Other women who are usually younger than, and waaaaay more attractive than I am. I'd say I'm like a 6.5 on a good day. These girls are like solid 8s or 9s. I still like him, but it's reached the point where 'if he's happy, then i'm genuinely happy.'

Anyways. Two months ago I was diagnosed with a fun disease that required routine trips to the hospital for a couple of weeks. My friend was more than willing to help drive me to and from my appointments. During this time, something drastically changed. I wasn't any different, didn't look or act any differently. Yet, he seems to have gathered some feelings for me.

Now days he's the one always initiating conversations, asking to hang out, etc. I tried to convince myself that he was just being nice because of my illness. However, last week he kissed when I left his house after having dinner.

He says he wants to sit down and talk to me about 'things' this weekend. And honestly, I'm dreading it more than anything. I've never liked anyone more in my life. Yet, I know how low my self-esteem is. If I am being honest with myself, I know that us being together would be a nightmare. I'd always feel like I was his backup option, and that he'd always be looking for better girls. That's just not fair to him.

As selfish as it is to admit; I simply don't want to date him because of my own *insecurities.

Any advice on what I should do or say? I really want to keep our friendship intact. He's the greatest friend a person could hope for. However, I'm afraid that saying to much or too little might ruin things. Any help would be appreciated

*feel free to chew me out for this.

tl;dr- Told a friend last year I liked him. He didn't like me back. Often goes for insanely attractive girls. Spent a lot of time together recently. Seems he now really likes me. Despite the fact I still like him, I know my self-esteem about him being out of my league would ruin things. He wants to talk this weekend about 'this'. I want to remain friends, what should I do/say?

Submitted May 28, 2020 at 06:21PM by ThrowRA_05257
I (25F) desperately want to turn down my dream guy (33M) because of my own insecurities I (25F) desperately want to turn down my dream guy (33M) because of my own insecurities Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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