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I (19m) am getting kicked out for beating my (14M) cousin.

So, with the quarantine and everything else gone to shit, I have had to move in with my aunt and uncle as my parents are immunocompromised and live over state lines.

My aunt has a son (R) with autism from a previous marriage and a daughter (C) with my uncle, who has just turned 6. She's a really quiet kid, kinda shy, but she's really smart and articulate for her age, and we've all been hanging out together through all of this so I get to know a little bit more about her and him. He's a typical teenager, really likes TMNT, and games with me sometimes, but he can be really moody and loud so I kind of need to take breaks from him.

Everyday we all get together and do an activity of some sort, like watching a movie or playing a board game or something, sometimes it's just me and them as they like spending time with me. Today, I went into the living room to check on them and see what we were doing for the afternoon and I walked in on him and her on the floor together. At first, I thought maybe it's a big deal, they are just playing together, but then he caught me looking at him and kinda froze a little bit so I asked him what he was doing. He didn't answer me immediately, and then I saw where his hand was on her and as soon as I did he pulled his hand back really quickly and got really pale.

I looked over at C and asked her if she felt uncomfortable by him and she nodded at me and started to cry. I looked over at R and asked him how long he had been doing this and he said "a while."

And then I lost it. I started punching. Idk what I even hit tbh, I just hit him everywhere. My uncle came downstairs and had to pull me off of him. I got yelled at, screamed at, even after telling them what was going on. C couldn't do anything. She just started crying and shit and the whole house kind of just exploded. My aunt started crying, my uncle just kept yelling and R was mad at me and crying. Just a fucking mess. Long story short, I'm gonna be out on my ass for this and I'm wondering If I did the right thing by reacting the way I did.

TL;DR: I walk in on my cousin touching up his sister and I started hitting him. My uncle and aunt think I crossed the line and are kicking me out, Idk how to feel or what to do now especially with the pandemic going on

Submitted May 30, 2020 at 06:52PM by throwawayvacation45
I (19m) am getting kicked out for beating my (14M) cousin. I (19m) am getting kicked out for beating my (14M) cousin. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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