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My (39f) husband (41m) made a joke about a dv incident and I don't think it's funny

We've been married 4 years. A lot of bad things have happened in our lives in 2020. Namely, his brother passed away in January (cancer). So he's been stressed. I've also been stressed, and it's just been the year of Stress overall.

Last month we got into a stupid fight. We were both angry and stressed out and it got out of hand basically. He warned me to stop talking, that he was getting too angry. However, I was also angry (and sleep deprived that week), and he kept saying nasty comments, so I continued as well. I know this is extremely stupid of both of us, and we don't normally act this way.

He walked over to where I was and pushed me. It wasn't really hard, but honestly it was hard enough and completely unexpected. Normally I would have just fallen against the powder room door, but it wasn't closed all the way so I fell into the room and onto the floor, and hit a shelf on my way down.

He was immediately sorry and helped me up. He was ashamed for pushing me and apologetic. Since it's never happened before, I decided to let it go.

However, that fall has left me with a sore knee (still). We did a lot of walking today and by the end I was limping a bit (which happens now if I walk too long). He noted I was limping and I said it has been really sore since last month. He said "I'm sorry your knee is still sore. But have your listening skills improved?" (obviously implying that the incident was my fault for not listening to him when he told me to shut up.) He then laughed and said "I'm just kidding".

But I don't think it's funny. He hurt me physically in anger. I don't think it's anything to joke about, ever. Do you guys think I'm being too sensitive? I did forgive him for this incident so maybe he thinks it's breaking the tension to joke about it?

tldr: husband hurt me in anger and later joked about it and I'm mad.

Submitted May 30, 2020 at 08:12PM by WittyCranberry7
My (39f) husband (41m) made a joke about a dv incident and I don't think it's funny My (39f) husband (41m) made a joke about a dv incident and I don't think it's funny Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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