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I (24F) spent the last year getting over a guy (29M) who rejected me. Now he's showing a ton of interest.

I usually don't post, but was inspired to when I read a post yesterday that reminded me of the situation I'm currently in.

I've been friends with a guy for about a year now. We initially met on a 'dating app' but he was pretty clear he wasn't looking for anything serious then. He had a lot going on with work, moving, and personal stuff regarding his family.

All was fair and well, until we began talking almost every day, and hanging out every weekend. It was purely platonic, but I developed feelings; hard feelings. I'll own up to my past mistakes, and admit that the way I conducted myself once I had these feelings, was.... umm... not great. At all.

I basically became the 'crazy-needy-clingy' girl that I promised myself I'd never become. I was blowing up his phone at all hours of the day, getting mad when he wouldn't respond within .025 seconds, etc.

Basically he did the only gracious thing he could've done (which I of course hated) at the time. He flat out told me that a relationship between us was never going to happen. That he saw me like the sibling he never had, and that despite my whack-job behavior, he still wanted to be friends. It stung, but it was what I really needed to hear. I spent the next few months getting over my intense feelings for this guy. Started to realize some of his faults, and finally remove him from the insanely high pedestal I'd put him on.

With the craziness that has transpired in the world since March, we've actually been spending a lot of time together. We both work from home, live far from our parents, and don't have a ton of other friends. We're essentially the only people the other has seen for 2 months. We eat dinner at each other's places, walk our dogs, etc.

For reasons I can't really explain, his demeanor towards me has completely changed. He's now the one texting me all of the time. Always offering to grab me dinner, or anything I need from the store. Hell, even his hugs feel a lot different. (He apparently told his parents something about me?)

It's fairly obvious that things are different. I'm just completely afraid that he's hoping for a relationship at this point. However, I'm not sure I can go through that roller-coaster of developing intense feelings with him. I'm also somewhat scared that the 'crazy' me will come out again. I don't like her, but she's there. Somewhere.

At this point I'll take any advice, or words of wisdom. My mind's just been going a million miles an hour thinking of all the pros and cons of this situation. I.e. possibly losing a good friend if we ever broke up. Need some people to talk some sense into me.

Thank you!!!

tl;dr - Met a guy last year, and developed strong feelings. Went the 'crazy-clingy' girl route. He set me straight and said he didn't like me, but we remained friends. Was a rough 6 months getting over my feelings. Spent a lot of time together since March, and he seems to be the one developing feelings now. I'm afraid of that crazy part of me coming back. Would hate how painful a real breakup with him (a close friend) would be. Not sure what to do, or how to proceed.

Submitted May 29, 2020 at 03:53PM by EvieMoon_Throwaway
I (24F) spent the last year getting over a guy (29M) who rejected me. Now he's showing a ton of interest. I (24F) spent the last year getting over a guy (29M) who rejected me. Now he's showing a ton of interest. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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