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I (17M) am trapped in a nightmare, I finally after several painful years worked up the courage to cut contact with my awful clingy friend (17F) but my mum (43F) who sees her as a daughter says I have too keep being her friend and I will be be kicked out if I try to ditch her again

My God guys please help me figure a way out of this before I lose my mind, weird user name for a guy- my step sister made it for me lol. Long one incoming. So Me and my "friend" Evie have been friends since we like 3 or something. So Evie has had a pretty troubled life, her parents are pretty shitty her dad is an alcoholic and is constantly arguing with her mum. She also suffered extreme bullying at school especially while she had to have braces on her teeth for 2 years. I did my best to defend her although I admit sometimes it was too much for me and didn't do as much as I should have. And because of this she now has extreme anxiety and is extremely awkward. She is a very weird girl and can be extremley annoying for example she just blurts out random strange noises and tries to sing in this horrible voice and when I tell her too stop because her voice is hurting my ears she walks right up to my ears and sings louder. This a large part of why she was bullied and I at the risk of sounding like an asshole I kind of wanted to bully her for doing it as well.

I am her only a friend and always have been (seriously she's never had on other friend not even for a little while). Too be honest I was being her friend out of pity and guilt more than anything. When I was like 11 or something she got really close to my mother and formed a mother daughter bond. Evie broke down and told my mum about her awful relationship with her parents and said "I wish you was my mum" and my mum said "I would love too be!". After this Evie was invited to our house almost everyday by my mum and I hated it I wanted alone time but she was always there. The only reason she wasn't here everyday was because my dad had enough of her being around 24/7. She basically became my surrogate sister. My mum also started making me hang out with Evie when I didn't want too. Mum- "Op Evie is here come see her", me- "but mum I was with her all day yesterday, I just want to relax and play video games alone" mum(shouting)-"Really, your friend has come here because she needs you and you are going to shun her out to play video games? well I won't have it go and play with her right now!". Thankfully my dad stopped that if he was around but that wasn't often as he was often away with work.

Then in secondary school (I live in England) I made new friends and hung around with them a lot and Evie hated that. She constantly accused me of abandoning her for them and kept crying to me about. My mum was cross with me about it but I now realise that she wanted to limit me hanging around with my new friends and make me spend more time with Evie but she couldn't come up with a good enough excuse to my dad as too why I couldn't hang out with my new friends. Evie then became even more harassing, she tagged along with my group of friends and turned up at my house unannounced even more than before and invited herself to sleep over. It's important to note that even though I was getting to hang around with my new friends I still had too spend a lot of time with Evie like 3+ hurs a day and when she wasn't present she was constantly texting and calling me. I then joined my local football club with 3 training sessions 2 hours each during the week and a long match on weekends. You can imagine Evie's reaction to this, she called me crying and begging me to quit because she really needed me right now. I refused and then she said she will "allow" me to keep playing if I promised to call her everynight and spend allday every weekend day that my match wasn't on. I foolishly agreed.

I then got my first girlfriend at 14 and Evie was distraught, I remember overhearing a conversation she had where she was crying to my mum telling my mum that she was in love with me (I had suspected that already) and that she can't stand me being with someone else. My mum replied that she had always wanted me and Evie to be together (duh) and that I would make "the right decision eventually". My mum suggested I break up with my gf because Evie needed my attention more. I now know that the only reason it wasn't "you have to break up with her" is because my dad wouldn't allow it. Then my mum and day got divorced with my dad being the one moving out and moving 2 hours away. I would rather have gone with him but because of school an him travelling a lot I had to stay put. But I get to spend most weekends there with no Evie thank god . But back at my mums Evie had practically moved in she defo spent more time at my house than hers. I was so sick of Evie at this point she disgusted me too be honest I just wanted her to go away. I even wished her dead a few times.

Then my dad got married again to my step mum and I love my new step family and now with my step mum there I got to spend every friday to sunday night there since there was now an adult who could always look after me. I also broke up with my gf around this time and Evie was delighted. Finally I decided I had finally had enough of Evie and was really looking forward to telling her too fuck off. Evie broke down to me begging me to stop going to my dads and spend 24/7 with her and be her boyfriend, it was then that I lost it and I didn't hold back, I was pretty brutal. I told her that I wasn't her boyfriend or a friend and she's just a leech. I called her a pathetic loser who needs to get a life. She broke down crying and ran off. She obviously went crying to my mum burst into my room the angriestI had ever seen her. She called me a lot of names and we had a massive argument. I accused her of loving Evie more than me and she replied that she loves us equally but I am the one in the wrong. She took away all my electronics and told me I had to stay in my room and told me that Evie would be coming around the next day and that I would apologise to her and that I would be out on my ear if I ever attempted anything like that again.

Then of course lockdown and thank whatever gods there are I was at my dad's house when it began and have stayed there the entire time. Evie has been blowing up my phone but I have ignored every single one. But i will have to go back to my mums to finish sixth for m whenever it restarts and she has already sent messages saying "you don't know how much trouble your in". I am terrified of being in that situation again. What do I do?

TL;DR- I hate my "friend" who I have had since childhood, but my mum loves her and won't let me get rid of her.

Submitted May 27, 2020 at 06:50PM by ThrowawayAlice201
I (17M) am trapped in a nightmare, I finally after several painful years worked up the courage to cut contact with my awful clingy friend (17F) but my mum (43F) who sees her as a daughter says I have too keep being her friend and I will be be kicked out if I try to ditch her again I (17M) am trapped in a nightmare, I finally after several painful years worked up the courage to cut contact with my awful clingy friend (17F) but my mum (43F) who sees her as a daughter says I have too keep being her friend and I will be be kicked out if I try to ditch her again Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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