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My (25M) girlfriend (26F) is incapable of making friends.

This is a repost from r/relationship_advice because maybe some advice from here could be helpful too.

TLDR - My(25M) girlfriend (26F) has not made a single friend for three years straight. This bothers me a lot and I would like to help her make new friends. To me, it's a make it or break it situation.


My(25M) girlfriend (26F) Avery is one of the most gorgeous, kind-hearted and loyal people I know. However, my biggest issue with her is that she has made no new friends in the entirety of our three-year relationship. She is an introvert and she lived at home during her university years so she feels like she missed out on a lot. She still made a lot of friends during her University years, however, all of those friends are now busy with their own lives. Avery no longer considers them friends at this point. From her high school friends, she only has one person that she considers a friend, but that friend is in a city 3 hours away. Avery only sees her once every two months.

Avery often tells me that she feels that when we get married, everyone there will only be my friends and not hers. She also tells me that her biggest fear is being lonely. I've made an active effort to get her to meet new people at parties, and other social events. She'll hit it off with the new people, but she won't ever contact them again outside of another event. Sometimes I'll even ask her to hit up a person she had a lot of fun with but she'll say no because she's afraid of embarrassment.

I've asked her to attend Meetup events or even career events to meet new people, but again she's too embarrassed to do it by herself. We're in a long-distance relationship (We still see each other twice a week) so I can't go to too many of these events with her, but when I can, I do.

In the first year of our relationship, I thought this was an issue that could be solved but now at three years, I'm beginning to doubt it.

So reddit, what can I do about this?

Submitted December 02, 2019 at 09:41AM by ThrowRA32424422233
My (25M) girlfriend (26F) is incapable of making friends. My (25M) girlfriend (26F) is incapable of making friends. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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