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Am I (32 F) overreacting to what my boyfriend (30 M) said over the phone when he thought he was talking to his ex-wife?

I feel stupid for even writing this post, please bear with me. Over Thanksgiving I traveled to see my family. My boyfriend of over a year was invited but unable to come due to work. For about 3 days prior to me leaving to visit my family we had been arguing and the tensions were higher than normal. I was hoping a few days away would be good for both of us to cool off and get over is silly argument, but tensions had only increased and we were barely speaking. My mother's home is in a very rural area in my cell phone does not work when I am there. My mother's number and my boyfriend's ex wife are saved under similar names in his phone. I borrowed my mom's cell phone to call him and when he answered he was talking in a very sweet tone. He repeatedly asked how are you baby? And said he missed me. It was so out of character for how he had been acting the last few days that it was really odd and made me uncomfortable. He then asked me 'how are the kids?' Again I was quite confused and asked what he meant, and said I had not been to visit my friend and her daughter yet. He then said 'wait who is this?' And told me he thought he was speaking to his ex wife. His tone and words went back to what I would expect from him during a rough patch. We have hardly discussed the topic or the rest of our fight, but he did say he was sleeping and confused and only addressed 'her' by her 1st name and not baby. What really bothers me about this entire thing is that I really believe he knew he was speaking to me be entire time. I think he did this just to hurt me and make me scared. The sweet voice he was using was very fake and not how he would talk normally. This would not be the 1st time he is paranoid that I would cheat on him, nor the 1st time he has tried to use other women to make me jealous. Long story short, I am not sure how to bring this up with him. I feel like I absolutely need to discuss this further. My question is: How can I approach the topic and convey I think he did this purposely to hurt my feelings without being accusatory? Although I have hardly mentioned it mostly because we have been fighting (I don't want it to be an argument, I want it to be a productive discussion) but I am very hurt by this. I truly don't believe he is cheating on me, especially not with his ex wife. It's much more painful that he did that intentionally to upset me while I was hours away and visiting family. I want to approach the conversation correctly and Im concerned I will be overly emotional. How can I convey that I am very hurt, and do not want to continue a relationship if this is how we will treat each other without sounding childish or as if I am only upset because I actually thought he believed he was speaking to his ex?

TL;DR: My boyfriend tried to make me jealous by acting as if he thought he was talking to his ex wife while he was actually speaking to me on the phone.

Submitted December 02, 2019 at 01:23PM by deviledeggsss
Am I (32 F) overreacting to what my boyfriend (30 M) said over the phone when he thought he was talking to his ex-wife? Am I (32 F) overreacting to what my boyfriend (30 M) said over the phone when he thought he was talking to his ex-wife? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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