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Guy I may end up dating is obese, and I'm worried about the potential health problems he may have now or in future.

I know I'm about to sound like an asshole but its something I want advice on.

I (F22) met a guy online (M32) about a month ago, and we hit it off really quick. We have lots in common, share a lot of interests and values it seems, and he seems super into me. I could see from pictures he was maybe overweight, but maybe dad-bod levels of overweight. I definitely found him attractive from pictures, he's ruggidly handsome and aesthetically is my type (tattoos, bearded etc).

The first time we met I could hardly hold back my shock when I realised he is a lot larger than I'd assessed from photos. I don't think he'd hidden the fact he's so overweight, I think the camera is just "flattering". He's definitely obese, I can't judge how much he must weigh, I'd say physically he's the size of Jonah Hill at his largest. I was taken aback, but I began to forget about it once we were chatting and getting along like we had been through messages. I didn't really think about it again until we went for drinks and I noticed how he couldn't keep up with me on the walk there.

I really realised it could be a potential problem this weekend, after we had a long day of messing around in bed. The first time we had sex it was maybe 15 mins. I really enjoyed the sex, even if it was logistically a bit different to having sex with someone slimmer. He's into rougher stuff/domination and I've been interested in the kinks he's into so it seems like a good environment/match there.

When we were done he was out of breath and sweating (cool fine, normal obviously). But this went on for a good 10 minutes - of him going from lying down panting, to sat on the edge of my bed breathing heavily, downing water, looking like he was about to pass out. I genuinely was worried, I'd never seen anyone this exhausted from intercourse (not even someone I would go at it with for an hour at a time). This happened after every time we had sex, and he couldn't last long in a lot of positions, so I was doing a lot of the work.

He messaged today joking about how much I've exhausted him, and how he thought he was going to have a heart attack. I know it was a joke but this just heightened my anxiety around the weight "issue". I am really concerned about all the health implications of his obesity. And I'm not some kind of athlete but I do want someone who can keep up with me on days out etc. .

I know a lot of people who are athletic can have health issues, and many obese people have relatively few health issues, but its clear to me that the excess weight is taking a toll on this man. I really like him, he really likes me, but I'm so fixated on the weight issue right now that its fucking with my head completely. I have a tendency to go for people who need help (one ex had a drug problem, one's mother had just died) and I really don't want this to be another case of me trying to "fix" someone.

Also I'm sure my parents and some friends won't be thrilled/will be amused if I start dating an obese guy 10 years my senior. I'd like to say I wouldn't care but that added judgement and stress isn't something I need right now.

I'm so confused right now. I really don't want to bring this up with him, because its such a sensitive issue. At the same time I don't want to go into a relationship with the attitude of wanting to change him or have him lose weight. Maybe I'm just overthinking all this?


Guy I've started seeing is obese and I'm concerned about the implications this might have for his health now, or in the future - please help.

Submitted December 02, 2019 at 10:45AM by Throwaway2024875748
Guy I may end up dating is obese, and I'm worried about the potential health problems he may have now or in future. Guy I may end up dating is obese, and I'm worried about the potential health problems he may have now or in future. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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