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Boyfriend [22m] is mad at me [19f] because I wanted him to get tested. Now we're in a big fight. What to do?

Hi everyone, so my bf and I have been dating for 6 months now and it's starting to become real serious. We started discussing intimacy again because when we first started dating I told him I didn't want to have sex if it wasn't serious. Now that I feel more connected to him I'm ready to start. The only thing about it that has me hesitant to just do it (besides fearing it hurting, which I've been told you can't avoid that) is possibly catching a STD.

I am a virgin, and he isn't. We talked about sexual history and he's been with over 20 people (sexually, not romantically, he claims). I'm going to be honest when I found out about that I got even more disgusted. I'm not sure if I even want to be with someone who's been with that many girls, but I would really want him to get tested before we do any type of sexual activity. When I told him this, he got very upset and said that he wasn't "dirty" and didn't need to get tested. I didn't mean to call him dirty and I told him that's not what I meant, but it would make me feel better if he did before we die anything. i even suggested going to get tested with him if it made him feel better (even though I've had no sexual history). But he refused.

I know I can't force someone to get tested but I don't think I can comfortably have sex with him if he doesn't. Now we're in a big fight and I feel kinda stuck. I need some advice

tl;dr: Bf told me about his sexual history and I suggested him getting tested before we became intimate. He got very upset and now we're in a big fight.

Submitted October 30, 2019 at 02:27PM by Testedstd
Boyfriend [22m] is mad at me [19f] because I wanted him to get tested. Now we're in a big fight. What to do? Boyfriend [22m] is mad at me [19f] because I wanted him to get tested. Now we're in a big fight. What to do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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