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New colleague (50sF) refuses to take me (23F) seriously. Is seeing me as a threat at work and it is becoming obvious.

So I work at my father's business, and was the only girl there until my father decided to bring in this new woman to work with us. Because she is still training, she needs to be taught the ropes by everyone. We don't have any specific person training her as it is very busy during the day and we don't necessarily have the time to have one person dedicated to her (that's why she was hired). However, I quickly realized that the way she views women and men are VERY different. She asks the males questions no problem, and listens to anything they have to say or correct her on with no issues. However, when I happen to tell her something or correct her on something, she quickly ends the discussion like she doesn't want to hear it from me. She also interrupts A LOT, both us workers and customers, to the point where its rude. And because she is still training, whatever she interrupted to say is either completely irrelevant or 100% false.

I had once asked her to ring someone up as she was having a conversation with the lady anyways (why have two people caught up in one transaction?). I walked away and came back to her holding an accessory saying the customer wanted to buy it. I already knew that what she told the customer was incorrect as this accessory doesn't work with the items she was buying. I asked that question to confirm my thoughts, and then went into explaining what the accessory was for. Mid-sentence, my co-worker interrupts me and starts talking. Because I don't want this to go down the wrong road, I gently held up my hand and said "hold on", so I could finish what I was going to say. After the customer leaves, I try to explain to her that I just wanted her to know the information and she interrupts me again and says "Yeah, yeah I know". Okay lady.

Recently she was putting pricing up for new products in a place that can't be seen. So I go up to her and ask where she's putting the pricing. She said her and my brother decided to put it inside the unit (that's false). I say maybe it's best if its beside the products instead, this way the customers can see it. She takes the longest and deepest sigh I've ever heard from her, and starts moving the labels. I tried to help her and she said she could do it herself. Now, I brought this up to my father, and he thinks it's because I'm much younger that she doesn't want to take direction from me, but my brother agrees that she has issues working with other women. She has told us stories from her last places of work how the women always essentially bullied her, when I think she was the real problem.

She also flirts like CRAZY, like very inappropriate flirting. She once asked my brother a question about a sink faucet, and just kept stroking the faucet up and down. My brother had to ask her what she was doing, he was so uncomfortable with it. She calls coworkers who are married the "love of her life" and her "husband" and that she "loves them, do they love her?", forcing them to say that they missed her when she was gone for a day.

The reason why I'm bringing this up is because I do flirt a little with one of the guys that works there, and I recently joked that I should be called a "boss" cause my brother and father are called that. He decided instead to call me the first lady. He called me first lady in front of her, and she was doing everything she could to flirt with him to look more desirable than me. She pretended to cut herself on a tape dispenser and wanted him to kiss it better. He tried to get away, understandably both me and him were joking about it and shrugging it off, and before he leaves she asks to get his number so she can put it in her phone. She's also been comparing herself to my mother, which is just a whole other discussion. I've had to tell her multiple times that I wouldn't compare her to my mother. I don't know if she does it to get close to my father?, idk.

What actions can I take to change this? The plan is for her to finish training and then kind of be more freelance from then on out. However, I'm not going anywhere, and if I ask her to do something I don't want to be disrespected and challenged like that, especially so blatantly. She can go ahead and flirt all she wants, but she can't be rolling her eyes, or going above me to my father, or thinking that she can be apart of discussions my brother and I have about the company that don't really concern her. I need to kind of put her in her place a bit, but I don't know how to do that, especially since I'm the only one in this situation with her.

TL;DR A new woman has started working at my family business, and sees me as a threat to her. She has had past issues with women she has worked with. She challenges me regularly by not considering me an authority, and by blatantly and inappropriately flirting with every male at work. What actions do I take to nip this in the bud now while she is still new?

Submitted October 30, 2019 at 07:35PM by Julliard_19
New colleague (50sF) refuses to take me (23F) seriously. Is seeing me as a threat at work and it is becoming obvious. New colleague (50sF) refuses to take me (23F) seriously. Is seeing me as a threat at work and it is becoming obvious. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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