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My (F28) husband (M28) cheated on me while in rehab

My husband and I have been together for almost ten years. We were best friends before we started dating, and we have had an amazing life together up until about this last year. He has been struggling with alcoholism. He just finished yet another rehab and 3 months of sobriety. Everything was looking up again, and he was truly back to his old self. Then he relapsed.

When he relapses, my reaction is to snoop to try to understand why. I found his notebook from rehab. I opened it to a beautiful letter to me, telling me that I'm a wonderful partner and how much he cherishes our relationship and friendship. I then turned to another letter that was clearly written for another addict. The letter didn't imply any physical cheating, but it clearly indicated that he had romantic and deep feelings for this woman.

I called him (he was drunk), and he finally admitted that he kissed this girl and touched her boobs on multiple occasions. He said he never planned on telling me. I am gutted. I stood by him through all of this heartache of addiction. I did everything to make sure our son saw him as much as possible. I defended his true character. Now I know that, even sober, his is capable of hurting me. I never, ever thought he would cheat on me. It didn't even cross my mind. He used to be this amazing man, and I guess he really isn't the same anymore. How can I even begin to move on from this man I basically grew up with? How do I raise my son (he's 1) without his dad? This is such a tangled mess, and all I want is peace after all this chaos. I know it takes time, but how can I move on from this enormous loss of my happy family?

TL;DR My husband kissed another girl multiple times while at rehab for alcoholism. I am heartbroken and frustrated that I put so much energy into supporting him.

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 01:12AM by Heartbroken34857
My (F28) husband (M28) cheated on me while in rehab My (F28) husband (M28) cheated on me while in rehab Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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