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I say dates should be split 50-50; Boyfriend is saying 20-80

Hey All,

My (F22) Boyfriend (M24) and I got together a couple of months ago and things are going great. This is his first relationship and, while I have been on several dates before, this is my first real relationship as well. We are currently having a financial dispute, which worries me as this is how most couples break up.

My boyfriend is in law school, which costs $27K a year in tuition, which his parents are paying for. His parents also pay his rent $1K / month (including internet and utilities) (it's a basic studio 55 mins from downtown - rent is pricey here). He is however responsible for the rest of his expenses including textbooks, groceries, etc. He has substantial savings from his various part time and summer work over the years. His parents are middle to upper-middle class.

I am in a Masters Program, so my tuition is covered and I get enough of a stipend to cover basic living expenses. For all practical purposes though, my parents are fully supporting me paying for everything. My family is well off, making around $450K a year.

It is also worth noting that if this relationship becomes serious and he lets his parents know about me, they will cut him off (as I am of a different religious background).

Anyways, we originally started splitting the bill equally on dates, but later moved to an 80-20 model, while I paid 80% of the costs. We are in a dispute over which model is more fair.

My boyfriend suggests that 80-20 is fair since my family is a lot more richer than his is. I think that 50-50 is fair, we are equal partners, each of us has resources, so we should split dates. It's not like he is destitute or anything.

What do people here suggest? People at AITA seem crazy, hopefully I can hear some nuanced views here.

PS - I've known my boyfriend for a few years. He isn't a gold digger at all.

Tl;Dr: Boyfriend wants me to pay for 80% of the costs of dating since my parents are wealthier. I think 50-50 is more fair

Submitted October 28, 2019 at 10:55AM by NewGirlfriend22
I say dates should be split 50-50; Boyfriend is saying 20-80 I say dates should be split 50-50; Boyfriend is saying 20-80 Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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