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Did I [25F] overreact when my boyfriend [25M] told me he's cancelling our long weekend getaway so he can watch a rugby match?

Some background: we've been together 5 years. Live together. All is well. I want some perspective because maybe I'm in the wrong since I'm not as into sports.

Last night: my boyfriend surprised me with a really nice thoughtful dinner, but then told me it's because I was about to be upset at him. We have been planning a long weekend getaway for a little while now, and I've been really looking forward to it. I've been planning hikes, looking at places to stay, and was about to invest in some solid new hiking boots. I was so excited, especially because he's been bugging me to get the time off work for a while. So I requested the time off and got it.

Unfortunately, it's the world Cup final for rugby. My boyfriend's English and told me he's thought about this, but he can't miss the game. I kind of froze and just listened to him talk. He said it wouldn't be the same if it was just him and I watching it in some Airbnb or quiet pub. I didn't say anything for a bit and just ate.

Im not going to lie, I felt extremely hurt. I have gone out of my way the last few weeks to wake up early or stay out ridiculously late to watch these games with my boyfriend. I don't love it, but he told me it made him happy when I was there, so I was more than happy to enjoy it with him and made the effort to learn the rules. I even coordinated with my dad to get a special program on my laptop so we could watch the final game together if we couldn't find a pub while we were away.

I got very upset. Neither of us yelled, but my voice was raised a little bit. He didnt even ask me if we could maybe reschedule our getaway for another weekend, and that's what hurt the most. He just decided, without my input, that it wasnt going to happen. I told him how disregarded I felt, how disappointed I was, and he just kept saying sorry and he would make it up to me.

I just feel like things are always his way or the highway, and I just felt done. It's the morning now and I didnt speak to him last night. I still feel really upset and Im wondering if I need to just get over this? Am I totally overreacting?

TL;DR - BF and I had planned a long weekend getaway and he cancelled it last minute without consulting me so he can watch the World Cup Final Rugby Match. Did I overreact by getting angry?

Submitted October 29, 2019 at 09:34AM by Synney
Did I [25F] overreact when my boyfriend [25M] told me he's cancelling our long weekend getaway so he can watch a rugby match? Did I [25F] overreact when my boyfriend [25M] told me he's cancelling our long weekend getaway so he can watch a rugby match? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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