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Friend/Colleague[25F] is crazy upset at me[29M] but won't tell me what I did wrong?

First up, this is not related to me quitting my job. This behavior started months ago.

I have a female colleague, Joyce, in another dept I am on relatively good terms with. We like each other's FB posts, we go out for lunch or tea breaks sometimes.

Suddenly, she started giving me the cold shoulder and ignored my messages or gave me one or two word replies. As I am leaving soon, I wanted to patch things over. I went by her table at 1pm (where there are few others in the dept) to ask her what's going on.

She glared at me and said: You know why.

Me: Umm, I don't?

She: Stop acting, you piece of sh!t (this is the first time she's ever used a swear word on me)

Me: I am confused. You need to tell me what's going on now.

She: You DAMN WELL know what did!

Me: I truly don't. If I offended you in some way then I am sorry. Look, I am leaving soon and I want to know what's going on.

(She stands up) : Sorry won't fix it.

Me: Let's pretend I am a complete idiot and I have lost my memory. Can you PLEASE tell me what you are upset about?

She: Go back and think. Now f**k off.


Seeing as we were going nowhere with this and people were staring, I left. I messaged a mutual friend/colleague (Albert) and asked what happened, only to be told: It's between you two. I can't judge, sorry.

Moments later, I got a furious message from Joyce: Don't bring Albert into this. Nice try but seriously, leave me alone

It's been over a day and I am still confused! How can I make my once-good friend tell me what was it I did that upset her so much?

TLDR: On good terms with a friend/colleague, Joyce, and often meet her for meals. Months ago, she gave me the cold shoulder. As I am quitting soon, I wanted to say goodbye. I went to her table and she immediately launched a tirade of vulgarities and insults at me, screaming that I "damn well know what I did". I truly don't. I messaged a mutual friend/colleague for help only to be told: "It's between you two. I can't judge, sorry." Joyce then messaged me and told me to leave her alone. How do I make my once good friend/colleague tell me what I did to upset her so much?

Submitted July 04, 2019 at 12:19AM by phytosaur
Friend/Colleague[25F] is crazy upset at me[29M] but won't tell me what I did wrong? Friend/Colleague[25F] is crazy upset at me[29M] but won't tell me what I did wrong? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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