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1 (m30) need advice on my boyfriend (m42) that is a meth addict in recovery that recently relapsed.

Our relationship started in January, we've known each other longer but I agreed to start talking to him once he sobered up and got his life more in order. Ever since January he has been doing great. Built back his relationship with his family, started counseling, got on meds. Everything has been completely fine until yesterday things seemed off. He just wasn't himself and felt weird he said. He started treating me differently and definitely became more angry and selfish and blaming me for things not even going on. I didn't want to fight so I just saved what I had to say for a better time when he was willing to listen cause he didn't care what I had to say. Eventually he had me take him home (we live in separate houses seeing as our relationship is only 4 months old) and I get a text this morning saying not to speak to him again, he can't be with a liar, and making very wrong accusations. Being good friends with his family they also seen he was being off and got filled in on the situation. Now this evening I found out he's at a hotel here in town on dating apps trying to hook up with people. I'm at a loss for words. I need advice please how to handle this situation and if the relationship is even worth saving. Thanks all

TL/DR: My boyfriend recently relapsed on meth, and has completely taken myself and his family out of his life. This all happened in a matter of a day and half. One minute everything was good, the next he is accusing me of everything under the sun, told me not to talk to him, and now I find out he’s on hookup apps trying to hookup with guys at motels, all in a matter of a day and a half. Advice on the relationship/what to do?

Submitted April 12, 2023 at 08:11PM by wyofun307
1 (m30) need advice on my boyfriend (m42) that is a meth addict in recovery that recently relapsed. 1 (m30) need advice on my boyfriend (m42) that is a meth addict in recovery that recently relapsed. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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