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Need advice on husband angry at watching baby at night

I just had a baby in October. Me (28f) him (27m) together five years

We found out we were expecting as news of Corona broke and lockdowns happened soon after. We would not have planned for a baby in this time.

We decided it would be best if I stayed home during my pregnancy while I was on unemployment for a short period and my husband worked delivery (door dash,GrubHub,etc). We could socially distance well and our finances were fine.

I knew that once the baby was born I would want o find part time work a few months afterward.

Well, I did not plan on getting very sick after giving birth. I am now feeling like a normal person, but I'm not 100% healthy. I still have some points in the day where I do get a bit tired and need to sit for a little. But I'm full capable of part time work.

I like being a sahm, I love being beside my kid 100% of the time.

Our agreement was that I took care of the home while he worked. All I asked was that I get a night off from baby duty so I can get uninterrupted sleep.

Our child is kinda going through a little sleep regression. She sleep her full 8-10 hours, but her nights and days are a little mixed. So she is wanting to go to bed at 1-2 pm and wake up around midnight. Silly, yes I know, but where I am a sahm, it doesn't not get in the way of anything.

Consistently for the last month I wake up on my nights of sleep from very heavy sleep aids and ear plugs to my partner actin like it's the end of the world that she is up and he can't sleep right now. Stomping, huffing, being short with words. Making a literal scene to an 8 mo old.

Most of the time I just take her back to the bedroom with me and stay up with her and play with her. He goes back to sleep. He acts like nothing happened te next day or apologizes and says he shouldn't have gotten upset.

I am a calm and happy person. This is getting out of hand y'all. This man gets his full night's sleep. Doesn't have to clean his house. Sure he mows the lawn. And he is upset that he has interrupted sleep for literally one or two nights a week.

He will never go to therapy. Will never take medication for his mental health.

Am I missing something? Am I seeing this only from the sahm view? Do men who become providers have a stressful life? He works max four or five hours a day. We aren't broke, but I'd like to have some play money at least. So he's not out there all day breaking himself so we can live. He plays video games with his free time.

TL;Dr husband gets upset at child when he watches her for a night. I wake up every time to him being an absolute mess. I don't get sleep in the end.

Submitted June 26, 2021 at 12:48PM by Iwantamomthatwill
Need advice on husband angry at watching baby at night Need advice on husband angry at watching baby at night Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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