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How do I tell my [29f] friend [29f] she can't use drugs in my space without upsetting her?

I've [29f] got a close friend [29f] who is a high functioning drug addict.

For nearly a decade, she's regularly smoked weed (before school / work, in between sessions etc.) but has gradually become more reliant on other substances too. For several years she's been taking mephedrone - an amphetamine / cocaine style drug with short duration effects. She has a group of friends who are also high-functioning addicts, but has no qualms using alone, whether at home (living with her parents), before work, or at casual events like dinner parties or BBQ's.

More recently though, she's got into GHB, which has a higher risk factor for overdose. I try not to worry about that and only hope she's being as responsible as possible, but it's often unpleasant to be around someone who takes this drug.

The side effects of GHB can be quite unpredictable and alarming to witness - they're having a great time, but you might see a combination of the below: loss of consciousness, moaning, limb jerking, sudden vomiting, heavy sweating, complete loss of inhibitions (sexually / nudity wise), unexpected falling over, (rarely) incontinence etc. It's not a pretty picture.

We've talked about her substance abuse a few times before, but with little long-term success. She doesn't have much interest in stopping and is aware that she's addicted. She'll be evasive or begins to hide the drug taking if the subject is pushed.

We simply pretend it doesn't exist.

Yesterday though we had a movie night. I've just moved into a new place, and she was the first guest I'd had round so felt like a good stress-buster after a difficult few weeks. Generally we'll smoke some weed, have a few beers - that's about it.

This time I could tell she was on mephedrone (talking non-stop, difficulty listening, blocked nose which came on after a trip to the loo). This made me uncomfortable, and a little bored, but felt familiar.

Then I noticed a small bottle filled with what looked like Campari. I asked her what it was (already knowing the answer), and she awkwardly said it was GHB. This made me feel incredibly uncomfortable and kind of sad but I said nothing, put some ear plugs in (so I could avoid the moans) and went to sleep.

This morning, the bed clothes, mattress, pillows, feather duvet and PJ's were completely drenched in sweat alongside a very small patch of what looks to be sick on the sheets. Before she left for work this morning, she added a capful of the liquid into a bottle of water and took a hefty swig.

Again, we acted like nothing was wrong and were all smiles, but I've been left feeling that my boundaries have been wildly overstepped, and am now experiencing a pallet of unpleasant and unwanted of emotions - anxiety, depression, sadness, anger, resentment etc.

SO. The actual question - I do not want her doing GHB or Mephadone on casual meet ups at my house at all -- I want her to understand my boundaries and respect them. How do I broach this without making her feel like I'm seeking to police or judge her drug use?

TL;DR: My friend is a high-functioning addict. I don't want her doing hardcore drugs at casual meet ups in my house. How do I put that boundary in place without upsetting her?

Edit: Spelling

Submitted June 26, 2021 at 06:25AM by vivteatro
How do I tell my [29f] friend [29f] she can't use drugs in my space without upsetting her? How do I tell my [29f] friend [29f] she can't use drugs in my space without upsetting her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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