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I (28M) am an ex-Christian/athiest and my wife (26F) has become increasingly invested in astrology in the last year. It has created a rift in our relationship because I want nothing to do with it.

My wife and I have been married for about 2 years and have been together for 5 total. Before we were in a relationship, I was a very strong Christian. When I was 21, I made the very difficult decision to leave my faith and became an athiest. I lost my identity and a lot of friends in the process, but the decision was better for me in the long run.

My wife has never grown up in a religious household and when I talk about Christian concepts and themes from my past, she gives me a blank stare because she doesn't understand (which is not her fault. She just doesn't have the same experience)

Since TikTok came along, my wife has spent hours diving into astrology, ghosts, spirits, conspiracies and the like. When she first became interested in it, I didn't care too much because I thought maybe it was a hobby of her's and it wasn't going to cause any relationship problems.

We got into a big fight about this about a little under a year ago when she was pressuring me to download Co-Star and needing to find out when my time of birth was. I told her that I still was not interested. She was pretty upset that I wasn't even trying to cooperate by calling my mom to find out what time of day I was born. I may have come off as an asshole, but even talking about some pseudo science spiritually makes me get triggered and upset. This fight went down the road of my unwillingness to believe in JFK conspiracies and UFO sightings. I told her that I didn't want to have bring up these topics again because both of us were getting really upset but I'm fine if she wants to study them in her free time, but I'm not interested. She told me the thing that makes her so angry when she talks to me about this stuff is that I automatically am against it without having her talk about it first.

A few months pass and everything is going fine, but she starts bringing up again. Since our last fight, I decided to be a bit more open minded and so I watched a couple videos to appease her. Since I decided to change my attitude about it, she keeps sending me more and more things about it. In the last couple weeks, she told me that she knows that I'm starting to turn around about this and that she know that I'm going to have a spiritual awakening in the future (for context when talks about these things I try to stay as neutral as possible). I told her I don't think this is going to happen because I'm still not interested, which caused some confrontation.

She is less aggressive about it then she used to be, but the frequency of these conversations has gone up dramatically to the point we are talking about this 5/7 days a week. I'm getting really tired it, but I don't know how to stop it without it blowing up in my face.

tl:dr I'm an athiest and my wife keeps on trying to evangelize to me about astrology/spiritually. I don't know how to make it stop without causing some damage to our relationship.

Submitted June 27, 2021 at 10:59AM by lettucefacts
I (28M) am an ex-Christian/athiest and my wife (26F) has become increasingly invested in astrology in the last year. It has created a rift in our relationship because I want nothing to do with it. I (28M) am an ex-Christian/athiest and my wife (26F) has become increasingly invested in astrology in the last year. It has created a rift in our relationship because I want nothing to do with it. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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