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My (48f) daughter (18f) wants to go away for the weekend with her boyfriend. I feel weird about this.

I'm just trying to navigate the whole "parenting an adult" thing and am hopeful someone who has been there, done that can tell me to chill out or whatever. She's my only kid so I have no previous experience with it, and I was parented very differently (in a conservative, religious household).

I'm a single mom and it's been my daughter and me for over a decade, so we are very close. She has always been a little bit young for her age, especially socially. And she's struggled with depression during the teen years.

To my surprise (because she is shy and she's always seemed kind of young to me), she started dating a guy (21m) at the beginning of this year. She decided she wanted a boyfriend and actively went and looked for someone to date.

This guy seems kind and respectful and I like him. They decided they want to go away together for the weekend (stay in a hotel, go hiking, etc) about an hour away from here. It all sounds normal, but here's what I'm having issues with: I feel so weird having her go away with this guy and rent a hotel room and sleep together all night. Please tell me I'm being ridiculous (or not?) and how to move past feeling this way. It's not even about sex necessarily. I'm not 100% sure if they are sexually active, but I'm assuming they are (she has all the knowledge necessary, she knows she can talk to me, but she's a very private person and made it clear she doesn't want to discuss this stuff and I've never pried). I don't know what I have a problem with exactly...I guess it just feels so "adult" to be renting a hotel room and yeah, she's 18, but she's also a teenager.

I doubt I'd tell her I don't want to go. I'm just looking for advice on how to stop feeling like it's "wrong, omg, what will your grandparents think??" type of thing. Help?

tldr: 18 year old daughter wants to go away with boyfriend and rent a hotel room and I feel not great about it.

Submitted June 30, 2021 at 04:31AM by Express_Coffee_2102
My (48f) daughter (18f) wants to go away for the weekend with her boyfriend. I feel weird about this. My (48f) daughter (18f) wants to go away for the weekend with her boyfriend. I feel weird about this. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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