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My (32f) boyfriend (36m) lied about meeting up with another woman...but her kid was there...he said he lied because I'm unreasonable.

Together 5 years. Full disclaimer: I do tend to be the jealous type. I wasn't in the beginning, but over the years he's done some dumb things with other women (not cheating...just little things like being flirty or not telling a co-worker he was in a relationship). They happened years ago but he knows my reactions.

There is an attractive single woman that he worked with briefly 2 years ago on a project. I met her a couple of times. She's nice enough, but she acts flirty and it kind of bothered me (but I didn't mention anything about it). After their work project ended, I'd still see them having banter on social media. Nothing overtly flirtatious though. She would always post pics before she went out for the evening (little dresses, high heels) and he'd always like her pics. I noticed this of course but didn't say anything. However, one day she posted a pic in a little bikini and he put a heart reaction on it. I got upset and said I didn't like him giving her attention like that, and he shouldn't even be liking bikini pics let alone loving them, etc etc.

That was the end of it, and we never discussed her again. He also didn't like her pics anymore (that I noticed).

Fast forward 1 year....she posted a big announcement and I mentioned it in passing but he said he didn't see the post. I was sitting beside him and told him to look it up. When he did, it was obvious she had blocked him.

I asked why she would block him and he denied having any idea. He said he never talks to her. I wouldn't let it go because I knew from his body language that he did know. He finally admitted that he knew why, but it was nothing bad and I just had to trust him. I asked him a couple of more times and said if he wouldn't tell me then I'd just ask her myself. He threw a fit.

Anyway, the next day I asked her. She told me that she had texted him one evening to wish him a happy birthday, and he said he was just going to grab a bite to eat (he had been drinking in a pub) and so she joined him (with her 7 year old daughter). She said he was drunk and acting obnoxious and had ended up insulting her so she left and blocked him and has never talked to him since. She also stressed that it wasn't romantic at all...they just met up as friends.

When I confronted him, he said that it wasn't a DATE at all. That he had been drinking and wanted to keep drinking, so he met up with her when the opportunity came up (she texted him when he was drinking in that pub and his friends had just left) and had some more drinks. He said it was totally innocent, but that he didn't tell me because he knew I didn't really like her, and that I act crazy and get mad about stupid things. He said he had tried to text her to apologize because he knew it wasn't his finest moment, but that she didn't answer and they never spoke again.

What am I supposed to think about this? Truth be told, I'm furious. It almost feels like I've been cheated on. But is that ridiculous? The lie is bad for sure. But have I brought this situation on myself by being jealous/suspicious? She's a very hot brunette who dresses sexy and is funny and smart. I know I wouldn't act like this if I didn't think she was more attractive than me. I just need an outside opinion...

tldr: he lied to me about meeting up with a woman (and her kid)

Submitted June 25, 2021 at 09:56PM by Terrible_Conflict995
My (32f) boyfriend (36m) lied about meeting up with another woman...but her kid was there...he said he lied because I'm unreasonable. My (32f) boyfriend (36m) lied about meeting up with another woman...but her kid was there...he said he lied because I'm unreasonable. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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