For some background, I’m working a part-time job while going to school at night to get a job that I’ll enjoy and will make me more money but right now my finances aren’t great and I’m 3 months behind on my rent. Luckily my landlord has been understanding and is ok with me paying what I can, usually a few hundred every week. A couple months ago, my boyfriend of a year started staying with me to help me pay the rent and see if we’ll get along enough to eventually move in together permanently.
The last couple days, my landlord kept calling me wanting to know when I’ll drop off this week’s payment. My boyfriend (I’ll call him M) told me he had $360 for his half of the rent on his desk. It sat there for a few days and I got fed up with my landlord calling me so I took the money. M came home from the grocery store a few minutes later and I told him I was going to drop it in my landlord’s mailbox before I left for class (he runs a business next door to my apartment) and M was ok with that.
I didn’t count the money because I assumed the $360 was all there. I probably should have, but I just got home from work and was a bit frazzled getting ready for class so it didn’t even cross my mind. The next day my landlord left the receipt on my door and I left it on the kitchen counter without looking at it.
Then tonight, M planned on making us dinner when I got home from school. I come home, he tells me what my cats did tonight, and before I even change for the night, he says this to me:
“I didn’t mean to peek but I saw on the receipt it says $320 when I gave you $360. Where is the other $40?” In an accusatory tone. It’s not the first time he’s accused me of doing something shady behind his back, even though I’ve never given him a reason to think I’d screw around in some way.
I said “I don’t know where it is, I didn’t take the $40.” I don’t steal, period. Especially from the people I love, so for him to accuse me of that is hurtful.
But he flipped out and started yelling. “I don’t care, make your own fuckin dinner” and “consider that money the rest of my rent because I’m out of here in 2 weeks” then slammed the door to the guest bedroom. A few minutes later he came out and I said again that I didn’t take it and it’s not fair for him to accuse me of stealing. Then he said “that doesn’t even matter, you should have counted the money, you should know better.” I tried to explain that I was sorry and I didn’t even think of it because I was stressed leaving work and getting ready for class but he ignored me and went back in the other room. I was getting more and more upset and I slammed the door to my bedroom (not like me because I try to control myself even when I’m red with anger). So now I’m alone, upset, AND hungry because I didn’t get to eat dinner.
TLDR: Boyfriend staying at my place accused me of stealing $40 from his share of the rent then made me feel dumb for not counting the money. He snapped and now wants to move out in 2 weeks.
Submitted June 03, 2021 at 07:39PM by give_me_wine
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