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Am I on the wrong?? My bf of 3 years (25M) makes me feel guilty when I (22F) don't cook on occasion

I'm genuinely curious if I'm in the wrong here so don't hesitate to be honest with me, but I would like some insight on this. So about a year or two back we both worked the same job before I quit (he offered to take care of bills while I stayed home since it was a particularly dangerous job and they had moved him to a different shift). Ever since then I've taken care of the cooking and cleaning although I did even before because he doesn't feel cleaning is as much a necessity as I do and his cooking skills are..very limited. But of course I've had more time to focus on both of those things, however, some days I just feel like eating something simple or am not as hungry throughout the day. On those days he makes me feel guilty about it by saying that I " never cook" or I'm "lazy" when I cooked every day for the week except 1-2 days. He recently making a remark that he will have to "cut corners" so he can afford take-out food because I didn't cook. I ask him why he doesn't just cook something here for himself when I don't feel like it, and he claims he just "doesn't want to". He says he knows how to cook but I've had to show him how to cook basic things like meat so really all he can cook are refried beans. I've encouraged him to learn multiple times and even show him some easy things to make but he refused to learn. I've had it before to where I've stayed up late focusing on hobbies or chatting with friends and then woke up late only to find out he didn't eat anything ALL DAY because I didn't cook (these are on his off days), and didn't make himself anything in the meantime that I was asleep. Even the days that I do cook he sometimes makes sarcastic, passive agressive comments that I didn't cook during breakfast too if he's off that day (I usually eat a small breakfast like a banana and maybe some toast/egg sandwich) so I guess cooking one meal every day isn't good enough either. On his days of work he gets up at 4:30 am-ish and if I don't get up that time and pack him a lunch even if I make up for it and cook dinner later it's still a complaint. I also am concerned because I know when I return to working again I'll still have to cook or he'll just eat take out all the time (he's gained weight because like I said, that's all he'll eat if I don't cook rather than make himself food here). I feel like I'm taking care of a child but I don't know if I'm being selfish or not, sometimes I catch myself staying up very late because that's the only time I feel like I have to myself and not worry about taking care of anyone else. Thoughts and advice? Thank you.

TL;DR: Bf guilts me and calls me lazy for not cooking 1-2 days or even not cooking multiple times per day but refuses to eat anything other than take out when I don't then complains it's costing too much. I'm not sure if I'm wrong tho because he works and I don't currently work.

Submitted June 25, 2021 at 06:46PM by PinkPlumPie
Am I on the wrong?? My bf of 3 years (25M) makes me feel guilty when I (22F) don't cook on occasion Am I on the wrong?? My bf of 3 years (25M) makes me feel guilty when I (22F) don't cook on occasion Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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