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My (23F) boyfriend (23M) never wants to leave the bedroom

I’m realizing that the title comes off as sexual, but that’s not what I’m talking about haha.

We live in a fairly hot climate (May-October has consistent days above 85 fahrenheit and even hotter in summer months) with my boyfriend’s dad. They won’t run the central air unless it reaches 85 in the living room (the coolest room in the house) despite the fact that I’ve offered to help with the energy bill.

My boyfriend is very anxious around his father and doesn’t like to spend time in the condo’s living spaces or to leave the bedroom door open (even though he owns a third of it and his dad has emphasized that we are welcome to hang out in common areas).

The bedroom gets to 10 degrees Fahrenheit more than the temperature outside because of the sun beating down on our side of the building and the lack of air flow.

It gets so hot that we’re drenched in sweat from 11am-6pm. Any time I ask to open the door or to go hang out downstairs, he gets anxious and sometimes even angry with me.

How do I (1) convince him that these aren’t appropriate living conditions and (2) help him with his anxiety about hanging around his dad. We’re not moving out any time soon due to financial reasons. (That’s probably a little over a year down the road when we both finish with school).

tl;dr: My bf’s too anxious to spend time in the common areas of the house, but the bedroom gets between 85-100 degrees every day from 11-6.

Submitted May 26, 2020 at 03:21PM by ShmantaCat
My (23F) boyfriend (23M) never wants to leave the bedroom My (23F) boyfriend (23M) never wants to leave the bedroom Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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